Less than 24 hours we are going to move into a new year of 2011,
you're very most welcome 2011 =D haha
I wish i can write a letter for someone, but its okay, i will write it here for him, just the FAKE one, haha.
You, (to whom it may concern)
Tho i only knew for for almost less than one month, i (might) think that i like you. But its hard for me to admit it. Physically, you are okay, even i thought you're older than me but the facts .. You used your looks of mature to have my attention. I really mad for having this feelings! You drive me insane! During msn, just to see you're online, its enough for me, but you always text me first, thank you =) sometimes, you made me hurt, sometimes you made me laugh, you made me smile and you made me annoyed with your annoying joke! Haha. But most of all, i feel comfort with you. Bnr, i dont really care abt that matter, as long as if oneday i've give the chance, i want you to be more mature above your age, you're the one who guide me and dont be choosy please. Haha. But still, i find its really hard to admit this feelings, im still confuse cos i dont want to get hurt at the end like the past. Hoping for nothing. Now, i am praying for the best of you and me. Fuhh, idk what to say. But, thanks for making me smile all these time since you're always with me. For future, i cant predict and i am just praying =D
Its really hard!
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Monday, 20 December 2010
im back!
hey guys, whats up?
alaaa~ its been a week abis dh camp. I MISS ALL OF MY FRIENDS =(
about the camp? OMG, it was awesome siuk!! i have no words for it and what all i can say, I was lucky and happy to be there and participated in it. yes ka mimi, NO REGRET !! hahaha.
guess what? there were only 2 girls and about 14 boys altogether, HAHAHA. imagine it. awesome! they were all baik and peramah. from bandar, they were only two jua, me and Ilmy =) yang lain semua from KB. no intimidation, haha.
i'll put some of our pictures here, hope you guys enjoy it =p *and feel the jealousy!
YES! tomm, am going to see them back, haha, so excited cos i really really miss all of thema and time with them are very precoius since IDK when am going to see them agian, huhu. hope tomm will be the memorable and unforgotten moment with them, amiiin. so, now, i am in KB, haha. rabu pagi aku balik.
hope everything goes well besuk =)
catch you later!
Thursday, 9 December 2010
cant wait but too nervous!!
hey you guys! how are you? hows holiday?
today, no! right now, i am at my aunt house in KB. i sleep over here. well to be honest, i feel awkward and afraid, haha. why? because i never been here, no! na pernah tidur sini, haha.
and luckily, ada wireless sini and i can easily go blogging using lappy, finally!
tomm, me and other czn will be joining the SCIENCE YOUTH LEADERSHIP CAMP AT OGDC. it will start tomm and will be end this sunday. so in another words, kami dsana 3 hari :D
i hope besuk siuk and semua org-orgnya okay. since, till now, i knew only me yg dari bandar , haha. will make friends there. haha.
fuhh, i hate masa packing brg. cos like, beasalah, bini2, mestilah complete bnr. yata. aku awal2 bawa 4 bags including laptop's bag, then aku squeeze jadi dua saja. haha. akupun mls bawa bnyak bag. huhu.
sumber mengatakan, we will not sleep at the camp since musim hujan. but we will be sleep at their gallery which is really really colg. OMG, mudahan tah inda sajuk bnr! haha. cant wait.
okaylah, till here first.
will be posting next time, soon after i get back.
today, no! right now, i am at my aunt house in KB. i sleep over here. well to be honest, i feel awkward and afraid, haha. why? because i never been here, no! na pernah tidur sini, haha.
and luckily, ada wireless sini and i can easily go blogging using lappy, finally!
tomm, me and other czn will be joining the SCIENCE YOUTH LEADERSHIP CAMP AT OGDC. it will start tomm and will be end this sunday. so in another words, kami dsana 3 hari :D
i hope besuk siuk and semua org-orgnya okay. since, till now, i knew only me yg dari bandar , haha. will make friends there. haha.
fuhh, i hate masa packing brg. cos like, beasalah, bini2, mestilah complete bnr. yata. aku awal2 bawa 4 bags including laptop's bag, then aku squeeze jadi dua saja. haha. akupun mls bawa bnyak bag. huhu.
sumber mengatakan, we will not sleep at the camp since musim hujan. but we will be sleep at their gallery which is really really colg. OMG, mudahan tah inda sajuk bnr! haha. cant wait.
okaylah, till here first.
will be posting next time, soon after i get back.
Friday, 3 December 2010
UBD residential college
some pictures from pusat ehsan

Above are some pictures when we were at Pusat Ehsan.
The cute one is akim. Everyone berabutkn kipak ea, haha. And aku smpt kipak ea. Cute bnr.
Another pict was when the resident was having their aerobic. Pict of joyful and happiness =D
The other one, Rafi, our president was having a sweet moment with one of them. Feeling of satisfactory when our plan goes well =D
There are some more picts, but thats all i can share with you, hehe. Happy to be with them.
Yes, we dont even look at their disability but we look at their ability.
*another post will be picts when we were at the resident of UBD, some awesome picts.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Pusat Ehsan volountary work
Today, Thursday, 2nd December 2010.
we are participated Pusat Ehsan volountary work at Bengkurong. Well, we were only 4, haha, small in number but we feel really proid of our self. We did a noble work for them, alhamdulillah. Actually, pusat ehsan wants to make a new playground for the resident especially childrens. So that they can play freely and enjoy their life happily.
We can see bnyak volounters tadi such as from Unissa, UBD, Maktab Sains, Meragang and MD..
From MD, lead by Rafie, Umairul, Amirol and me myself. Thanks guys for ur energy! We are proud of our self =D
Tadi kami buat, like lelaki, angkat pasir for the playground. I was cabut rumput then move, melap ceramin. Yea, i made friend tadi with MS student. She's kind =D hope to see her again next time. Then the guys move to orchid garden, bersihkan everything and i helped them too. We were enjoy eventho it was super tiring activity, haha.
Idk if oir face still familiar with the resident of Pusat Ehsan cos when they give a speech tadi, they mention MD and she said oir face were familiar cos we did entertain the Pusat Ehsan not long ago, just a week before and today we came again to do this such noble work =))
Last but not least, we were given certificate. At least, everything was worth and we can show it as our activity to teacher.
Thanks rafi, thank umairul and thank amirol. You guys are very sporting. You always involved kn every of our activity =) awesome!
Harap inda jemu =)
We bring MD's name! So proud of you.
Catch ya later.
we are participated Pusat Ehsan volountary work at Bengkurong. Well, we were only 4, haha, small in number but we feel really proid of our self. We did a noble work for them, alhamdulillah. Actually, pusat ehsan wants to make a new playground for the resident especially childrens. So that they can play freely and enjoy their life happily.
We can see bnyak volounters tadi such as from Unissa, UBD, Maktab Sains, Meragang and MD..
From MD, lead by Rafie, Umairul, Amirol and me myself. Thanks guys for ur energy! We are proud of our self =D
Tadi kami buat, like lelaki, angkat pasir for the playground. I was cabut rumput then move, melap ceramin. Yea, i made friend tadi with MS student. She's kind =D hope to see her again next time. Then the guys move to orchid garden, bersihkan everything and i helped them too. We were enjoy eventho it was super tiring activity, haha.
Idk if oir face still familiar with the resident of Pusat Ehsan cos when they give a speech tadi, they mention MD and she said oir face were familiar cos we did entertain the Pusat Ehsan not long ago, just a week before and today we came again to do this such noble work =))
Last but not least, we were given certificate. At least, everything was worth and we can show it as our activity to teacher.
Thanks rafi, thank umairul and thank amirol. You guys are very sporting. You always involved kn every of our activity =) awesome!
Harap inda jemu =)
We bring MD's name! So proud of you.
Catch ya later.
UBD's residential college
Today, Wednesday, 1 December 2010, we were going to UBD.
Our main objective was to know our course well and of course to motivate us to go there.
After small briefing abt each course that are provided there, we were brought to their new buildings of hostel. I was once saw it on the newspaper, beautiful, very the!
But today, we visit it. I was totally speechless abt it. Awesome! Totally super duper berabisly lawa! Haha. I dont lie. True. You have to go there, a must! If you go inside, all the facilities are provided such as washing machine, oven, refrigerator and telephone in every apartment. Each apartment will have 4 rooms. For your information, its open to all student of UBD and ITB and will only cost for $250 and $350 complete with TV. Super amazing.
They said, tomm and day after tomm, they will have 'openhous' where everyone have a chance to go around the residential. You must go there.
We were enjoy today. I love today. Eventhough we were small in number but we enjoy it. We took pictures and obviously, we are lucky cos we're the first to visit their new buildings. Hehe.
Am super speechless now. Haha. All i can say, i didnt regret to visit UBD today! Awesome guys. We all have fun today and we will never forget today, and the residential ofcourse!
We all were well motivated today! Memorable moment ever. Haha. Well done to all of those who came today. I bet, you wont regret anything today.
Thanks for coming =D
We are leader! So called PRS!
Catch ya later.
Our main objective was to know our course well and of course to motivate us to go there.
After small briefing abt each course that are provided there, we were brought to their new buildings of hostel. I was once saw it on the newspaper, beautiful, very the!
But today, we visit it. I was totally speechless abt it. Awesome! Totally super duper berabisly lawa! Haha. I dont lie. True. You have to go there, a must! If you go inside, all the facilities are provided such as washing machine, oven, refrigerator and telephone in every apartment. Each apartment will have 4 rooms. For your information, its open to all student of UBD and ITB and will only cost for $250 and $350 complete with TV. Super amazing.
They said, tomm and day after tomm, they will have 'openhous' where everyone have a chance to go around the residential. You must go there.
We were enjoy today. I love today. Eventhough we were small in number but we enjoy it. We took pictures and obviously, we are lucky cos we're the first to visit their new buildings. Hehe.
Am super speechless now. Haha. All i can say, i didnt regret to visit UBD today! Awesome guys. We all have fun today and we will never forget today, and the residential ofcourse!
We all were well motivated today! Memorable moment ever. Haha. Well done to all of those who came today. I bet, you wont regret anything today.
Thanks for coming =D
We are leader! So called PRS!
Catch ya later.
Saturday, 27 November 2010

Yesterday, Friday, 26th November 2010, we have a great time with resident of Pusat Ehsan. We laugh, we enjoy and we care of them.
I love this quote from Nazib's shirt, it says that
"dont look at the disability, but look at the ability"
Before we went there, PRS member was having charity sales in order to get some money to but them souvenir and present. It was worth. We gain sums of money.
Pusat Ehsan is one of NGO, non goverment organization where they just gain money from the donations, parent and charity. We welcome all the visitors including us. The resident was very awesome, friendly and super hyper one.
We aim to make them smile, laugh, enjoy and get close with each other. Like, we care people like them. Kekurangan bkn ukuran. We're all same di mata Allah. They have their own specility when sometimes we dont have.
What i noticed, tho we are perfect in physical, we cant laugh like them. We cant feel the happiness like they feel. They are free to laugh, dont have much burden. I feel happy with them especially childrens.
Even some of PRS member nangis, cos when we dance, all of sudden, one of them kiss my friend pipi. Huhu. Tersentuh ='(
So much activities we did with them. Theres no words to describe our feeling of happiness and satisfid with what we've done and planned. It was all work.
Great job PRS. We made MD proud of us. We are one and always be one, named Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya.
*pict above is our PRS shirt.
Hoping next time, we'll do even better from this. Thanks to all the members. Well done.
Guess what? Haha, we are in newspapers today. There are 3 reports abt us yesterday. Proud of us.
We are PRS of Maktab Duli will always show the quality as a leader. We are example. We are you friend and you can count on us.
Thank you!
We proud of you.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
thank you.
last night, i was like, bring back to the past. We were one and now, we are actually still one as a sisters called SPLITERZ.
I met nina. She never changed. I met zilah, my closest one and she will always be my azilah, my true friend one =D and i met zahirah, surprisingly, she changed, she became more crazy than before! Haha. Like she wants people to called her as 'datin'. Haha well, i would say whateverrr =p=p
I was very eager to meet them. They are my bestfriends. We took pictures. We shares story. We made it lastnight. Love them. Almaklum, bth dah na jumpa, sorg2 jauh and dmlm like telapas rindu. Omg, alhamdulillah ya Allah =D i was very happy mcm na tekata lagi, yg penting happy lah =D
Ceritala? Duhh, i cant, speechless wa, haha.
Actually i wanna post some of pictures here but unfortunately, there is techniqal problems. Sorry zil. Kn tag fb, mcm saya ada =p
P/s: dont ask me to make FB ya! Haha.
When you are missing someone, what else you can do?
*zilah, i completely miss, need, want ahmad zafran right now. You know how i feel but i could'nt explain it no more! Its hard.
Everything gonna be alright. Amin.
Stay calm and sabar sofiah =D
Here i ends with,
Assalamualaikum =D
I met nina. She never changed. I met zilah, my closest one and she will always be my azilah, my true friend one =D and i met zahirah, surprisingly, she changed, she became more crazy than before! Haha. Like she wants people to called her as 'datin'. Haha well, i would say whateverrr =p=p
I was very eager to meet them. They are my bestfriends. We took pictures. We shares story. We made it lastnight. Love them. Almaklum, bth dah na jumpa, sorg2 jauh and dmlm like telapas rindu. Omg, alhamdulillah ya Allah =D i was very happy mcm na tekata lagi, yg penting happy lah =D
Ceritala? Duhh, i cant, speechless wa, haha.
Actually i wanna post some of pictures here but unfortunately, there is techniqal problems. Sorry zil. Kn tag fb, mcm saya ada =p
P/s: dont ask me to make FB ya! Haha.
When you are missing someone, what else you can do?
*zilah, i completely miss, need, want ahmad zafran right now. You know how i feel but i could'nt explain it no more! Its hard.
Everything gonna be alright. Amin.
Stay calm and sabar sofiah =D
Here i ends with,
Assalamualaikum =D
Saturday, 6 November 2010
i would like to say
"happy advance birthday to my grandpa and noh"
Mudahan semakin sehat, bahagia dan selalu dilindungi Allah, amiiin.
Tomorrow, we gonna celebrate b'day nini. We planned it very well. We want to make nini happy for his b'day this time. He wants us to be happy on his DAY. And so, we gonna make it tomm. We also perform tausyeh for him and take family photo, big family photo tomm =D
Anyway, i miss someone. I miss Ahmad Zafran. Really do missing him. Kenapa ea na online lagi. There's a lot i wanna share with him. Zafran, i hope you would be back soon. Zafraan..
Sorry if i did wrong. Am just normal human being. Once hurt, will never forgotten and it will be diff onwards. Thanks.
Life in high school is totally diff from when we were in primary or secondary school. We are big enough to realise everything, we shud be mature to think what we supposed to think of and we are too bad to be chilish now.
True friend is not from the outer. We can show how kind we are in front of people, normal but only some people realise how sincere we are doing that.
Zilah, i just in the mood of need you. If only you know how big my burden is. I try to be brave, i try to be tough, i try to be cheerful and i try to hide everything my self where i dont use to be before. Sadly ..
Kirah, ain, where are you? I miss kamu kamu.
"happy advance birthday to my grandpa and noh"
Mudahan semakin sehat, bahagia dan selalu dilindungi Allah, amiiin.
Tomorrow, we gonna celebrate b'day nini. We planned it very well. We want to make nini happy for his b'day this time. He wants us to be happy on his DAY. And so, we gonna make it tomm. We also perform tausyeh for him and take family photo, big family photo tomm =D
Anyway, i miss someone. I miss Ahmad Zafran. Really do missing him. Kenapa ea na online lagi. There's a lot i wanna share with him. Zafran, i hope you would be back soon. Zafraan..
Sorry if i did wrong. Am just normal human being. Once hurt, will never forgotten and it will be diff onwards. Thanks.
Life in high school is totally diff from when we were in primary or secondary school. We are big enough to realise everything, we shud be mature to think what we supposed to think of and we are too bad to be chilish now.
True friend is not from the outer. We can show how kind we are in front of people, normal but only some people realise how sincere we are doing that.
Zilah, i just in the mood of need you. If only you know how big my burden is. I try to be brave, i try to be tough, i try to be cheerful and i try to hide everything my self where i dont use to be before. Sadly ..
Kirah, ain, where are you? I miss kamu kamu.
Monday, 1 November 2010
stop being selfish.
Its been a while didnt post anything yet. Been busy with everthing, as usual we have to continue the syllibus, PRS meeting, some work, homework, tasks, test and tomorrow, MATHS AS EXAM. Omg, am so full. Huhu.
Later having tution till 9. I hope i wouldnt feel exhausted. Come piah, exam is tomm not next month and not year week. WAKE UPPPP!!! Hahaha.
Oi, what happened to me? I dont want to think abt it first but it keeps haunting me with the feeling of nervousness. OMG. I know i like someone, but the problem is, ITS NOT ONE, but two. Haha. So-called-playing. Haha. Will not admit it as love first, cos this is just a playful feelings. Though, made me insane! *hate much.
I, could be say as openmind person. I can give my own opini, i can give solutions if i could, i take what people say and i watch my mistakes. But i have my own pendirian. No one could change if am in the correct way. What i think is the best, i will tell, i will say it but if its wrong, i would tell you then. But in a good way and not in a way that you're trying to tell us. A good person will hear whatever people say, whatever people objections, any opinion and make a decision according what is the best for all and not themselve personally. If you do, then i know that you're selfish. We are in a big group, we are leader, we are example and so act as a leader. Making people happier with our decisions without feeling of discrimination or whatsoever you called then. Stop being like you're perfect enough then you'll never know whats yout mistakes and you never learn something from it. Thank you.
Sekian, haha. Sorry for the long lecture, but obviously its not for you (whos reading this post)
Assalamualaikum, =D
Its been a while didnt post anything yet. Been busy with everthing, as usual we have to continue the syllibus, PRS meeting, some work, homework, tasks, test and tomorrow, MATHS AS EXAM. Omg, am so full. Huhu.
Later having tution till 9. I hope i wouldnt feel exhausted. Come piah, exam is tomm not next month and not year week. WAKE UPPPP!!! Hahaha.
Oi, what happened to me? I dont want to think abt it first but it keeps haunting me with the feeling of nervousness. OMG. I know i like someone, but the problem is, ITS NOT ONE, but two. Haha. So-called-playing. Haha. Will not admit it as love first, cos this is just a playful feelings. Though, made me insane! *hate much.
I, could be say as openmind person. I can give my own opini, i can give solutions if i could, i take what people say and i watch my mistakes. But i have my own pendirian. No one could change if am in the correct way. What i think is the best, i will tell, i will say it but if its wrong, i would tell you then. But in a good way and not in a way that you're trying to tell us. A good person will hear whatever people say, whatever people objections, any opinion and make a decision according what is the best for all and not themselve personally. If you do, then i know that you're selfish. We are in a big group, we are leader, we are example and so act as a leader. Making people happier with our decisions without feeling of discrimination or whatsoever you called then. Stop being like you're perfect enough then you'll never know whats yout mistakes and you never learn something from it. Thank you.
Sekian, haha. Sorry for the long lecture, but obviously its not for you (whos reading this post)
Assalamualaikum, =D
Saturday, 23 October 2010
happy birthday!!
Friday, 22 October 2010
pray for you.
am just arrive at home from the airport.
Pjah is probably on a flight now, huhu. Hope, she and her family have a safe flight come and from performing haj.
I was at ekin's (bestpren pjah) house from 12 till 2. Then we went to pjah house. We met faii (pjah's bf)
Pjah came out to the living room and ea slm kami. We was like, almost crying. At that time faii was not around, klau inda mesti ia 'bibi' tu, huhu. After baca doa slamat, before drg kluar rumh, drg baca takbir haji and that is the time kami rasa haru, pjah was in front of us, and she was crying ='( i cant see her! Faii, ofcourse, almost cry!
Haru bersambung time pjah kn masuk. I saw her mother hug her brother, and sebak rasanya. Kesian =) *aku teingat tym bapa babu naik haji. Then, faii was the first person yg kluar air mata. Haha. Kesian. But we try to make him cheer up.
My always prays for her, mudah-mudahan pjah and family selamat sampai, sentiasa sihat and balik dgn mendapat haji yang mabrur! AMIIIIIIN.
*aku msh rasa sebaaak. Syg pjaaaah.
Pjah is probably on a flight now, huhu. Hope, she and her family have a safe flight come and from performing haj.
I was at ekin's (bestpren pjah) house from 12 till 2. Then we went to pjah house. We met faii (pjah's bf)
Pjah came out to the living room and ea slm kami. We was like, almost crying. At that time faii was not around, klau inda mesti ia 'bibi' tu, huhu. After baca doa slamat, before drg kluar rumh, drg baca takbir haji and that is the time kami rasa haru, pjah was in front of us, and she was crying ='( i cant see her! Faii, ofcourse, almost cry!
Haru bersambung time pjah kn masuk. I saw her mother hug her brother, and sebak rasanya. Kesian =) *aku teingat tym bapa babu naik haji. Then, faii was the first person yg kluar air mata. Haha. Kesian. But we try to make him cheer up.
My always prays for her, mudah-mudahan pjah and family selamat sampai, sentiasa sihat and balik dgn mendapat haji yang mabrur! AMIIIIIIN.
*aku msh rasa sebaaak. Syg pjaaaah.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
si bestfriend.
i just come back from pjah's house. She was having solat hajat tonight but i came after isya, HAHA.
For what? Alhamdulillah, she is going to perform haj tomorrow. I am very happy but on other side, i feel sad too. I feel sad, huhu.
Tadi, when all the luggage was bring off to the airport, i was like, want to cry =) eventhough, i and pjah is not in the same college and jrg jumpa, but she's close in my heart. She's my bestie since primary, my first bestie with pipah. I love her.
Am afraid that am gonna cry tomorrow. InsyaAllah, i will send her over to the airport tomorrow. Oh yes, this is just for a while, but, this is haj, and i always come to sedih whenever there's a leaving. But saya tak boleh begini, tak boleh, tak boleh.
Mudah-mudahan pjah and family selamat dlm pejalanan kesana dan balik kesini, sihat selalu dsana dan dpt haji yg mabrur, AMIIIIIN.
Haha, tadi time kn balik, i was salam with pjah's mother, then ea kata ' inda ko tdur sini? ' then i ans ' au, kn tdur sini dh p pjah bth mbls, na smpt packing ' haha. Then her mom ' eh klau inda kmi ngantar ngmbil brgmu krumah ' haha me ' eh janganth bsuk sja ngantar ea '
Haha, pjah's and her family is awesome. Drg smua baik esp her mom. Walaupun jrg ksana p mcm dkt udh dgn drg. Like my pun klau ku crita psl pjah, nyambung, haha. I like her mom, haha. Also pjah lah =D
P/s: pjaaaaah, ilove you. Mudahan ko sihat selalu with your family and dpt haji yg mabrur, amiiin. Jaga diri dsana, doakan kmi dsini.
Huhu, sedihku eh.
For what? Alhamdulillah, she is going to perform haj tomorrow. I am very happy but on other side, i feel sad too. I feel sad, huhu.
Tadi, when all the luggage was bring off to the airport, i was like, want to cry =) eventhough, i and pjah is not in the same college and jrg jumpa, but she's close in my heart. She's my bestie since primary, my first bestie with pipah. I love her.
Am afraid that am gonna cry tomorrow. InsyaAllah, i will send her over to the airport tomorrow. Oh yes, this is just for a while, but, this is haj, and i always come to sedih whenever there's a leaving. But saya tak boleh begini, tak boleh, tak boleh.
Mudah-mudahan pjah and family selamat dlm pejalanan kesana dan balik kesini, sihat selalu dsana dan dpt haji yg mabrur, AMIIIIIN.
Haha, tadi time kn balik, i was salam with pjah's mother, then ea kata ' inda ko tdur sini? ' then i ans ' au, kn tdur sini dh p pjah bth mbls, na smpt packing ' haha. Then her mom ' eh klau inda kmi ngantar ngmbil brgmu krumah ' haha me ' eh janganth bsuk sja ngantar ea '
Haha, pjah's and her family is awesome. Drg smua baik esp her mom. Walaupun jrg ksana p mcm dkt udh dgn drg. Like my pun klau ku crita psl pjah, nyambung, haha. I like her mom, haha. Also pjah lah =D
P/s: pjaaaaah, ilove you. Mudahan ko sihat selalu with your family and dpt haji yg mabrur, amiiin. Jaga diri dsana, doakan kmi dsini.
Huhu, sedihku eh.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
3 words mean so much.
Start with F, end with D, F followed by U and second last end with A.
Remarkable sentence ' there is always a way to find out information about someone we like ' *let me know if am wrong =D
Today is 20.10.2010,
Beautiful number and if it is on sunday, there would be many wedding annyversary, HAHAHA. I believe it.
And i was saying this to dayah ' bah day, krg aku kawin eh ' HAHAHA. And dayah was replying ' eh au eh, p tunang lah dlu ah ' HAHA. *short-think conversation =p
Wondering; where is ayen ah? Hmm.
Start with F, end with D, F followed by U and second last end with A.
Remarkable sentence ' there is always a way to find out information about someone we like ' *let me know if am wrong =D
Today is 20.10.2010,
Beautiful number and if it is on sunday, there would be many wedding annyversary, HAHAHA. I believe it.
And i was saying this to dayah ' bah day, krg aku kawin eh ' HAHAHA. And dayah was replying ' eh au eh, p tunang lah dlu ah ' HAHA. *short-think conversation =p
Wondering; where is ayen ah? Hmm.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
i love my babyfriuts, HAHA.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
happy birthday!!
happy birthday to my bestfriend, ZAHIRAH
happy birthday to my beloved cousin, SAIFUL
and, happy birthday to my friend, NAZRIN.
Yesterday, i was having my maths AS exam. huhu, it was okay. but then, theres many new questions, i think. cos i never found it in the pass year questions. daaaa~~~ sorry sir if did badly. saye sudah cuba semampu yg bisa.
now, i have to prepare well for P6. start from now sopiah =p=p HAHAHA.
bah. till here.
bye, assalamualaikum.
happy birthday to my beloved cousin, SAIFUL
and, happy birthday to my friend, NAZRIN.
Yesterday, i was having my maths AS exam. huhu, it was okay. but then, theres many new questions, i think. cos i never found it in the pass year questions. daaaa~~~ sorry sir if did badly. saye sudah cuba semampu yg bisa.
now, i have to prepare well for P6. start from now sopiah =p=p HAHAHA.
bah. till here.
bye, assalamualaikum.
Saturday, 9 October 2010
yet, i just realised that you're still available and make this feeling true.
i want to say ' ILIKE YOU F '
*i wanna scream his naaaameeee.
is that all?
Yeap, cos i talk much here. I try not to post a long story here. Haha kebiasaan bnyak ckp. Daaa~~
Sophia (12.45pm)
i want to say ' ILIKE YOU F '
*i wanna scream his naaaameeee.
is that all?
Yeap, cos i talk much here. I try not to post a long story here. Haha kebiasaan bnyak ckp. Daaa~~
Sophia (12.45pm)
feel sorry.
I feel sorry for all my friends. So sorry, haha, what craps (creps,crab and whatsoever it is to be called then) HAHAHA.
Yes! Now am not feeling worry again, haha. About what? It was all about, the PANDA ANTIVIRUS!! I hate it, because mesti di update tiap masa like everyday, huhh. In fact, saye jrg buka laptop cos of certain reasons like IM LAZZZYYYY =D hahaha.
I like to read people's blog and so, of you are one of the blogger, then i should read yours too =) haha. Hey, please update it cos i need your post. Especially, to those yg post in english (would be better than me, ofcourse) cos i can learn from them and i dont have to read books some more, haha, cos i read yours, your good english! Congratulation! Haha. *again, am talking nothing.
People that i currently think off now, zilah (ofcourse), ain (i really do miss you yen), kirah (for her kerenah) and the rest.
Till here,
Catch you later =D
Sophia (11.20pm)
Yes! Now am not feeling worry again, haha. About what? It was all about, the PANDA ANTIVIRUS!! I hate it, because mesti di update tiap masa like everyday, huhh. In fact, saye jrg buka laptop cos of certain reasons like IM LAZZZYYYY =D hahaha.
I like to read people's blog and so, of you are one of the blogger, then i should read yours too =) haha. Hey, please update it cos i need your post. Especially, to those yg post in english (would be better than me, ofcourse) cos i can learn from them and i dont have to read books some more, haha, cos i read yours, your good english! Congratulation! Haha. *again, am talking nothing.
People that i currently think off now, zilah (ofcourse), ain (i really do miss you yen), kirah (for her kerenah) and the rest.
Till here,
Catch you later =D
Sophia (11.20pm)
Friday, 8 October 2010
currently am asking my self, i also asked dibah for so many times, sorry dib,
Where are them?
Kemana zilah? Ain? Kirah?
And all those in katok or maybe somewhere else? Where?
My sist said maybe they were busy. Hehe. There you go.
Last night, i mingle with my dad till 1 am in the morning. We were discussing so many things, from school thingy, my friends, life, result, exam, and many more. I just let everything to him, i told everything endlessly. Dont me afraid of him? Hello~~ he's my dad. I shared everything with him like, EVERYDAY, hahaha. Kn kesekolah, he must ask me quests and balik dari skulah, must be anothet quests, haha. Just take it positively and that is why, am wide open with him in everything! EVERYTHING.
Aku ingat what bapa said yesterday when my sist and i discussed bout where she's gonna move after form 5. My sist takut jauh dri kwnnya and whatsoever like i used to feel sometimes before. Then suddenly bapa kata, 'you see sopi, is all her friends contact ea? Msh mcm dlu?', he said again 'once, you are in diff school with them, everything gonna change, like we know sapa yg bnr2 kwn or not'.
**sorry guys, i just, i dont want anything change between us. I know its impossible but i miss you guys.
God, i pray for the best. Hello piah, this is life, where we feel when there was a time people need us and there are times when we are not needed anymore. Haha.
Thanks bapa for supporting me in anyways. Never let us down.
Thanks dibah for always be with me, beside me and now, you're getting crazy beng beng, haha.
*zilah, ain, imiss you.
Catch you later =))
Where are them?
Kemana zilah? Ain? Kirah?
And all those in katok or maybe somewhere else? Where?
My sist said maybe they were busy. Hehe. There you go.
Last night, i mingle with my dad till 1 am in the morning. We were discussing so many things, from school thingy, my friends, life, result, exam, and many more. I just let everything to him, i told everything endlessly. Dont me afraid of him? Hello~~ he's my dad. I shared everything with him like, EVERYDAY, hahaha. Kn kesekolah, he must ask me quests and balik dari skulah, must be anothet quests, haha. Just take it positively and that is why, am wide open with him in everything! EVERYTHING.
Aku ingat what bapa said yesterday when my sist and i discussed bout where she's gonna move after form 5. My sist takut jauh dri kwnnya and whatsoever like i used to feel sometimes before. Then suddenly bapa kata, 'you see sopi, is all her friends contact ea? Msh mcm dlu?', he said again 'once, you are in diff school with them, everything gonna change, like we know sapa yg bnr2 kwn or not'.
**sorry guys, i just, i dont want anything change between us. I know its impossible but i miss you guys.
God, i pray for the best. Hello piah, this is life, where we feel when there was a time people need us and there are times when we are not needed anymore. Haha.
Thanks bapa for supporting me in anyways. Never let us down.
Thanks dibah for always be with me, beside me and now, you're getting crazy beng beng, haha.
*zilah, ain, imiss you.
Catch you later =))
Thursday, 7 October 2010
my exam? haha, well, we were over! and now, we have prepare for the AS level examination next week. me? yeap, am gonna sit for maths. (pray for me!!)
MDians were having teacher's day celebration today. well, it was like, formal celebration rather than like, having a concert or whatsoever. but, we enjoy it though.
huhh, now, all my cuzy are busy-ing talking about the prestigious upcoming wedding of my EX-BELOVED-aku2an-BF (hahahahahahaha) my friends who know me very well knew who is the person, hahaha. obviously, he is my adorable motivated person for me, who made me love science, who made me into a better person in science, who made me change in anyways and i love him, he is DR SHEIKH MUSZAPHAR SHUKOR, the first angkasawan of Malaysia. huhu, hes gonna married soon, to be axact this upcoming sunday, 10th October 2010 (sempena memperingati ea naik ke angkasa)
*to be honest, i feel down, haha. gyla, ke jiwa banar. sasaaaakkkuuu mendangaaarrrr!! aku na mau ea kawin, haha. nadalah, gyla juaaa. takpe, takpe.
he remain be my idol, my motivatoe, my admirable one and my brother instead.
bah. sampai sini dulu eh, ada kraja sikit dulu.
bye all.
catch you later.
MDians were having teacher's day celebration today. well, it was like, formal celebration rather than like, having a concert or whatsoever. but, we enjoy it though.
huhh, now, all my cuzy are busy-ing talking about the prestigious upcoming wedding of my EX-BELOVED-aku2an-BF (hahahahahahaha) my friends who know me very well knew who is the person, hahaha. obviously, he is my adorable motivated person for me, who made me love science, who made me into a better person in science, who made me change in anyways and i love him, he is DR SHEIKH MUSZAPHAR SHUKOR, the first angkasawan of Malaysia. huhu, hes gonna married soon, to be axact this upcoming sunday, 10th October 2010 (sempena memperingati ea naik ke angkasa)
*to be honest, i feel down, haha. gyla, ke jiwa banar. sasaaaakkkuuu mendangaaarrrr!! aku na mau ea kawin, haha. nadalah, gyla juaaa. takpe, takpe.
he remain be my idol, my motivatoe, my admirable one and my brother instead.
bah. sampai sini dulu eh, ada kraja sikit dulu.
bye all.
catch you later.
Saturday, 25 September 2010
hey guys, assalamualaikum =pp (haha) least but not last, i want to say "selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir dan batin" special dedicate for all my bestfriends and friends out there =D
Omg, last night was the very tired day ever when people keep coming to my house coninously, haha. We, all my siblings, like, no one could escape from doing work all the time. Well, now i could say that 'we work fast and furious' haha. At the kitchen was like, smua beampaian, haha, i think im going to ask babu to make dapur more bigger, haha.
We worked from 8 in the morning till night. Unforunately i still having exam in the middle, imagine how concentrate i was, haha. Then when i came home, we gave surprise to my youngest brother for his birthday.
Woaaah, i come to my last exam this wednesday, yeyeye! But its not gonna be the final of our work for the lower six, cos we still have to carry on study for the upper besides i still have AS level exam end of this year.
*uhuk uhuk* i got stomach ache now.
Pertanyaan: kemana perginya kwn2ku ani kn? Zilah, ain, asfa, zean, hmm. Hard to find them, betapuk pakah.
Okaylah, have to go now. We are going to have raya in KB today, yeyeye.
Omg, last night was the very tired day ever when people keep coming to my house coninously, haha. We, all my siblings, like, no one could escape from doing work all the time. Well, now i could say that 'we work fast and furious' haha. At the kitchen was like, smua beampaian, haha, i think im going to ask babu to make dapur more bigger, haha.
We worked from 8 in the morning till night. Unforunately i still having exam in the middle, imagine how concentrate i was, haha. Then when i came home, we gave surprise to my youngest brother for his birthday.
Woaaah, i come to my last exam this wednesday, yeyeye! But its not gonna be the final of our work for the lower six, cos we still have to carry on study for the upper besides i still have AS level exam end of this year.
*uhuk uhuk* i got stomach ache now.
Pertanyaan: kemana perginya kwn2ku ani kn? Zilah, ain, asfa, zean, hmm. Hard to find them, betapuk pakah.
Okaylah, have to go now. We are going to have raya in KB today, yeyeye.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
summer desire.

taiwan drama that I love now, Summer Desire.
At first, i was like 'eh bida jua crita ani' but, in the middle, once i watched it, it was okay and made me want to watch it again and again. It made me addicted. When i supposed to sungkai at restaurant now, i prefer to stay at home and watch this awesome story =D well, this friday gonna be the lat episode and still dont know if i could watch it. Dpends wether we are going to celebrate raya this friday or saturday.
Okay okay, back to the drama. The actor and the actress are, peter ho, barbie hsu and hua xio ming( am not sure the name, haha)
The story is, barbie with peter is in relation since at high school but then, because of peter behaviour somehow buat barbie sasak and putuskan ea. By the time barbie ptuskn, peter was driving and accident and unfortunately, he was lost his memory. Since then, barbie dont know what happen to peter and start to close with hoa. They are quiet romantic. Barbie think that peter do all the bad things to her and her close one. She start to hate peter.
When peter get his memory back, he start to remeber barbie and ask everything abt her. But his secretary said that shes the one who made him involve in accident. From that, peter want to bls what she've done. But it turns around when barbie agree to marry with him. Life start to change. From forceful turn into peaceful. Well, peter is very rich and he can do everything to make barbie happy eventhough he have to donate his kidney to barbie's brother. When her bro die, barbie lost his life and turn into quiet. Peter do everything for her. He have to see hao close with his wife just to makesure his wife would give any reaction. He try to hide his hurt. Just for the one he love.
Just when you watch it, you'll know the story better. You must feel it cos its very touch. This drama is awesome!!!!
Love peter ho, haha.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
i need miracle.
surely, i need miracle now to end my sadness,
Pretending not having a big burden, made me feel more suffer and suffer.
Tell me who doesnt have any problems? Anyone?
I still could stand without someone special called boyfriend.
maybe, i could be strong without friends.
Surely, im dying without family.
I wish im strong enough to follow their games. Am hoping to make it over but they just dont make it for real. Am alone to go through this time where they seems to ignore a person who they didnt care anymore. Whatever you guys do, no matter what, i let this tears drop everytime you want, i keep this hurt just to see your smile, your laugh, i hide this sickness not to allow people know how heavy, how big, how painful my burden is. If just you know that your laugh, you happiness is my sadness cos am not with you guys. Am alone!
If i am given 3 wishes, i want ;
I want my sister,
I want my brother,
I want to turn back into the past!
I just remember this quote,
'Allah tidak akan menguji hambaNya di luar kemampuan'
'Allah menguji hambanya, bererti ia sayang'
*amiiiiiiinn ='(((
Still have bapa, babu.
So painful.
Pretending not having a big burden, made me feel more suffer and suffer.
Tell me who doesnt have any problems? Anyone?
I still could stand without someone special called boyfriend.
maybe, i could be strong without friends.
Surely, im dying without family.
I wish im strong enough to follow their games. Am hoping to make it over but they just dont make it for real. Am alone to go through this time where they seems to ignore a person who they didnt care anymore. Whatever you guys do, no matter what, i let this tears drop everytime you want, i keep this hurt just to see your smile, your laugh, i hide this sickness not to allow people know how heavy, how big, how painful my burden is. If just you know that your laugh, you happiness is my sadness cos am not with you guys. Am alone!
If i am given 3 wishes, i want ;
I want my sister,
I want my brother,
I want to turn back into the past!
I just remember this quote,
'Allah tidak akan menguji hambaNya di luar kemampuan'
'Allah menguji hambanya, bererti ia sayang'
*amiiiiiiinn ='(((
Still have bapa, babu.
So painful.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
jealousy come over me!
omg, feel it for real.
Love is undescribable? *lets laugh HAHAHAHA. Its true for some condition. Saying 'love you forever' ? Since i realised, i would prefer people say ' i love you TILL THE END '
Please dont say forever if at the end, you still come to putus! Cos we dont know till when tani sama2. Anything could happen, so we dont have right to predict or made decision that we are to be with the one we love till dead *like sometimes people used to say!
Instead, if we say TILL THE END, we show that we just, just go with the flow. Till when we stop, we will accept it and we didnt owe anythings to our partner. When it comes to the end, thats the end and stop. We cant fight with the fate.
I told one of my friend lastnight,,
How long last is the reationship is not important, it is all abt how we treat, we cares and try to introspect each other.
*well, actually, am not sure what am talking abt, am sorry, HAHA.
Love is undescribable? *lets laugh HAHAHAHA. Its true for some condition. Saying 'love you forever' ? Since i realised, i would prefer people say ' i love you TILL THE END '
Please dont say forever if at the end, you still come to putus! Cos we dont know till when tani sama2. Anything could happen, so we dont have right to predict or made decision that we are to be with the one we love till dead *like sometimes people used to say!
Instead, if we say TILL THE END, we show that we just, just go with the flow. Till when we stop, we will accept it and we didnt owe anythings to our partner. When it comes to the end, thats the end and stop. We cant fight with the fate.
I told one of my friend lastnight,,
How long last is the reationship is not important, it is all abt how we treat, we cares and try to introspect each other.
*well, actually, am not sure what am talking abt, am sorry, HAHA.
Saturday, 4 September 2010
its okay guys!

They were all who came yesterday, for them, thank you so much and you made it for me, THANK YOU.
Kirah and fizah, they are the loyal one, haha. Ilopyou! Piee, minan, sepol, syapik, habib =D hadi and duan, this is the first time ya, haha. Dilah eventhough aher n ngaleh p sanggup jua ko dtg, thanks! And hakiiim, wlaupun boreng ko nada p thanks for the sedekah, thats mean ko ingat kami. THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYSSS.
*well, actually i was very dissapointed =( nvm, i cant force anybody. If they really into me, they would come.
But but, hahaha we really have fun last night. Siuuuuuk with them, hahaha.
'friend is everything'
'the one who always beside us when we up or down'
'the one who share everything with us'
Is that word still work kh? Hmm, i would rather say this, "im not sure now" i have been through a tough-depress-down-ever day lately, but friends that i think would come to hear me, to make me feel better, somehow i dont where to find them. Feel pity for me. I try to keep it myself, but it made me cry almost eveyday. This is such a burden for me. I supposed to share it to someone i trust and comfort it but now, i just share it to someone who could hear me, anybody. I dont know where to find them, or am the one who didnt find them or maybe, they dont bother to know abt me. Am not sure. Feel broke.
Friends happiness is mine but idk if my sadness would be their sadness too. Am not sure if they feel the same way as i am. Idk if they really want to know abt me. And idk if they would care of me like they used to.
*been in very tough depressing situation.
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
somehow ..

Somehow i miss them all. Imissssstheeeem much much!!!
Guys, imiss everything with you guys, especially GPS (we used to call our friendship group). Kirah, fizah, hakim, piee and dilah, imiss you guys. You are my awesome friends. We used to be together almost everytime, imiss the craziness, imiss the laugh, imiss the smile, imiss we were together, imiss your cares, imiss your jokes and imiss when you guys were soooo annoyingggg ='(((
Thanks guys, you made my days full of smile. You never let me down. You always made me laugh and smile all the way. That is called to be friends ever!!
Eventhough we are apart now but i will never forget you guys. Memory with you guys will never be erase somehow =D
5B-ians, you guys is my friends, always be mine. You guys are awesome-cheerful-kind-crazy-ever-good-friendsssss.
*guys, please dont forget me yeah =D
For the other, i missyou guys also. Dont worry. Like, my 7 spliterz, my 2B's, my 3B's, aen, jihah, fizon, azhar, ili, billah, SYAFIIIQQ, ashrie and the othersss.
*jgn ambil hati yg na kana sbut ah. This is including YOU ALL. no exception ya =D
Okaylah, takecare all
Catch you laterrr.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Today, i came late to school which was about 8+ hahaha. Supposed to be babu bgunkn, but then, it was me who woke her up. *omg it was late already* then, on my way to school, every where was jam, huhu. So, sabar saja lah.
Finally, trus msuk class maths and as usual, we do passyear questions all the way =D
All the MDians, to be exact will have to read al-quran everyday of their PS. Well, it is compulsory though, cos our attendance is taken there, so we HAVE to come there =D
I saw him tadi. He was having his maths mock exam paper tadi. Oh anyway, all the best to you =D
Saying that i was waiting for him? *idont want to admit. Saying I WAS NOT? I was not sure too. Cos, deep inside, yes, i wanna see him instead.
When one of the AEs came out from the audi, my heart suddenly beat faster, huhu. Then, i just facing around (pretending not to see him) and i just knew he came out from dibah. Hahaha. Then dibah said something to me and i keep thinking about it, OMG. After that, i saw him and yes as usual =DD
Well, actually i wanna stay there but then i have to go jua. Besides i have to protect my eyes from looking at him that much. *sadar2 puasa, HAHAHA.
But kan, idont know lagi bila ea skulh, cos during this exam, drg bleh cuti and most probably, hes going to absent all the way he dont have any exam. Nvm then.
Oh, i hope this future sungkai, the food will be nyamam2, hahaha. And i want to go shooooppppiiingggg.. HAHAHA.
Okaylah, catch you later.
Finally, trus msuk class maths and as usual, we do passyear questions all the way =D
All the MDians, to be exact will have to read al-quran everyday of their PS. Well, it is compulsory though, cos our attendance is taken there, so we HAVE to come there =D
I saw him tadi. He was having his maths mock exam paper tadi. Oh anyway, all the best to you =D
Saying that i was waiting for him? *idont want to admit. Saying I WAS NOT? I was not sure too. Cos, deep inside, yes, i wanna see him instead.
When one of the AEs came out from the audi, my heart suddenly beat faster, huhu. Then, i just facing around (pretending not to see him) and i just knew he came out from dibah. Hahaha. Then dibah said something to me and i keep thinking about it, OMG. After that, i saw him and yes as usual =DD
Well, actually i wanna stay there but then i have to go jua. Besides i have to protect my eyes from looking at him that much. *sadar2 puasa, HAHAHA.
But kan, idont know lagi bila ea skulh, cos during this exam, drg bleh cuti and most probably, hes going to absent all the way he dont have any exam. Nvm then.
Oh, i hope this future sungkai, the food will be nyamam2, hahaha. And i want to go shooooppppiiingggg.. HAHAHA.
Okaylah, catch you later.
Friday, 13 August 2010
least but not last.
happy fasting everyone. Hoping, this ramadhan would be better than last year and we can improved ourself to be a better person. Hey, not only for this ramadhan ya, HAHAHAHA. Guys, sorry if i've done wrong or whatsoever.
'org yg plg berbesar hati adalah org yg mahu memaafkan kesalahan org lain dgn ikhlas'
Been busy with everything. This week, to be exact on last monday, our big family was lost our beloved-kind-downhearted datu. Kmi smua rasa kehilangan.
Last thursday, i was sleep over at my grandparent house for the first time since then. Haha, atupun sal drg cznku suruh. We all bkumpul smua and guess what? Lelaki lg rmai dri bni2 , hahaha. Bni2 gnya 3 org wah, bygkn smua lelaki. Hahaha. Plg parah, kami na tidur smpai sahur. Kami becerita smbil mkn smpai pkul 3, hahaha. Tapi siuuuk cos this was the first time kami catu. Lgpun, czn kmi jauh pun ada, drg jrg trun kbrunei and kumpul sama kami, yatah kami bgmbr rmai trus. Siukkkkklaaaah. Hahaha. Tapi bsuknya kami bgun awal, kan pkul 11, HAHAHAHA. *naseb jua nini na bgunkn.
Huhuhu, aku rinduk kwn2ku yg lain. Zilah, kirah, ain, asfa, hakim, piee, dilah, matul and yg lain. *yg tesinggung ah yg na kana sbut, tlmpau bnyak yg ku rindu. Pokoknya kamu smualah =D
F, happy fasting =D (hahaha, mcm apa, ea na jua tau aku siapa)
Aku rindu si zafran and bilakh ea ani kn balik. When he come back or holiday, aku harap ea online.
For the rest fo ramadhan, our PS would be taken for tasmik al-quran. Alhamdulillah, i could spend my time there to continue my reading =)))
Apa krg bbu msak ntuk sungkai ah? Hmmm. Harap2 yg nyaman2 lh ah, hahahaha.
Till here first.
Bye and assalamualaikum.
'org yg plg berbesar hati adalah org yg mahu memaafkan kesalahan org lain dgn ikhlas'
Been busy with everything. This week, to be exact on last monday, our big family was lost our beloved-kind-downhearted datu. Kmi smua rasa kehilangan.
Last thursday, i was sleep over at my grandparent house for the first time since then. Haha, atupun sal drg cznku suruh. We all bkumpul smua and guess what? Lelaki lg rmai dri bni2 , hahaha. Bni2 gnya 3 org wah, bygkn smua lelaki. Hahaha. Plg parah, kami na tidur smpai sahur. Kami becerita smbil mkn smpai pkul 3, hahaha. Tapi siuuuk cos this was the first time kami catu. Lgpun, czn kmi jauh pun ada, drg jrg trun kbrunei and kumpul sama kami, yatah kami bgmbr rmai trus. Siukkkkklaaaah. Hahaha. Tapi bsuknya kami bgun awal, kan pkul 11, HAHAHAHA. *naseb jua nini na bgunkn.
Huhuhu, aku rinduk kwn2ku yg lain. Zilah, kirah, ain, asfa, hakim, piee, dilah, matul and yg lain. *yg tesinggung ah yg na kana sbut, tlmpau bnyak yg ku rindu. Pokoknya kamu smualah =D
F, happy fasting =D (hahaha, mcm apa, ea na jua tau aku siapa)
Aku rindu si zafran and bilakh ea ani kn balik. When he come back or holiday, aku harap ea online.
For the rest fo ramadhan, our PS would be taken for tasmik al-quran. Alhamdulillah, i could spend my time there to continue my reading =)))
Apa krg bbu msak ntuk sungkai ah? Hmmm. Harap2 yg nyaman2 lh ah, hahahaha.
Till here first.
Bye and assalamualaikum.
Thursday, 5 August 2010
1st august, almost a year he has been there, in Japan.
Since he was gone, i feel really empty. He used to be with me sometimes before. He made me happy. He made me feel different and he made me fall in love.
But when he told me that he was going to leave Brunei for his scholarship, i was shock!!! berabisssss. And guess what? It is for 3 years, omg!!! I was really down at that time. I was afraid to lose him and now, still im afraid.
He havent said 'goodbye' to me =( ...
And oneday, my sist mimi told me that she met him. Itshocked me up!! And guess what? He asked abt me. He asked me to takecare. My sist said that he was like to say something but he didnt continue it and IWANT TO KNOWWWWW ='(((
Once, that night, i didnt want to go online. But my heart was gatal to go online, then i went. By the time i sign in, the first nick that i saw was his nick. I was like to pengsan. He was the one that i waiting for. Then, as i texted him. I was kajar2. I really2 miss him like crazy.
God, imiss him right now and im always missing him. Always. No one could stop me from missing him. No one!!!! How i wish i could tell him how much i miss him. I really want to text with him. I want to know how he is doing now. Yet, until now, we havent have any contact. Omg!
Missing si zafran.
Since he was gone, i feel really empty. He used to be with me sometimes before. He made me happy. He made me feel different and he made me fall in love.
But when he told me that he was going to leave Brunei for his scholarship, i was shock!!! berabisssss. And guess what? It is for 3 years, omg!!! I was really down at that time. I was afraid to lose him and now, still im afraid.
He havent said 'goodbye' to me =( ...
And oneday, my sist mimi told me that she met him. Itshocked me up!! And guess what? He asked abt me. He asked me to takecare. My sist said that he was like to say something but he didnt continue it and IWANT TO KNOWWWWW ='(((
Once, that night, i didnt want to go online. But my heart was gatal to go online, then i went. By the time i sign in, the first nick that i saw was his nick. I was like to pengsan. He was the one that i waiting for. Then, as i texted him. I was kajar2. I really2 miss him like crazy.
God, imiss him right now and im always missing him. Always. No one could stop me from missing him. No one!!!! How i wish i could tell him how much i miss him. I really want to text with him. I want to know how he is doing now. Yet, until now, we havent have any contact. Omg!
Missing si zafran.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010

i just saw this pict.
... And i just realise that i miss them so muchh. Imiss dilah, piee, hakim, habib with their craziness. Imiss zilah, ain, kirah so much and imiss spending time with them and share our storyyy. How i wish i could turn back into tha past with them. Imiss the loud laugh, imiss when they keep annoyed me, imiss to treat them with swewt and newspaper, hahaha. Imiss their cares towards me. I miss when they were the one besides me when i was down. They are my friends. My crazy friends. My kind friends. My lovely friends. My beloved friends. And they are MY FRIENDSSSS. Imisssyouuu guysssss.
The picture was taken at my house. I miss that day cos we all were crazy that night. We laughed like there were nobody at home. Hahaha. God, imiss them waaah.
Catch you later.
Sunday, 1 August 2010
a bit of everything.
*been busy with 3rd APR nowadays. So yeah, less active.
I saw him last months,
I saw him last week,
I saw him yesterday,
And now im hoping to see him, tomorrow.
Why is it hard to get to know about you? I can get your email or hp no bh myself actually but what do people going to say bout me? People may think that im desperate. Well, actually im not!!! Im just, why not we try? We never know what is going to be if we never want to try. Are we going to just stay, not doing something, just waiting, you think we are going to get what we want? I dont think so. Even theres a words saying ' if we aim for something, we have to go for it'. Yes, i know! Im a girl. But is it a big mistakes if we go first? What do you feel if, you dont do anything instead of just hoping, you never want to try neither find a way, then at the end, you just know that actually he/she likes you also, what do you feel? You must be saying like this ' eh syg, klau ku tau dari awal ... ' but something, regret comes behind. Heh, aku ada rasa malu x jua ah, but if we think back, its just a life wah. And i always remember my dad kata ' malu btmpat, klau buat slh bru malu' but now, am i doing wrong thing?
Huhh, what i supposed to do actually? Hahaha. I let it be first. If theres no way, then i will move ..
*god, this week, MD will be having many activities, huhu. Hope for the best for MD-ians =D
Catch you later.
I saw him last months,
I saw him last week,
I saw him yesterday,
And now im hoping to see him, tomorrow.
Why is it hard to get to know about you? I can get your email or hp no bh myself actually but what do people going to say bout me? People may think that im desperate. Well, actually im not!!! Im just, why not we try? We never know what is going to be if we never want to try. Are we going to just stay, not doing something, just waiting, you think we are going to get what we want? I dont think so. Even theres a words saying ' if we aim for something, we have to go for it'. Yes, i know! Im a girl. But is it a big mistakes if we go first? What do you feel if, you dont do anything instead of just hoping, you never want to try neither find a way, then at the end, you just know that actually he/she likes you also, what do you feel? You must be saying like this ' eh syg, klau ku tau dari awal ... ' but something, regret comes behind. Heh, aku ada rasa malu x jua ah, but if we think back, its just a life wah. And i always remember my dad kata ' malu btmpat, klau buat slh bru malu' but now, am i doing wrong thing?
Huhh, what i supposed to do actually? Hahaha. I let it be first. If theres no way, then i will move ..
*god, this week, MD will be having many activities, huhu. Hope for the best for MD-ians =D
Catch you later.
Sunday, 25 July 2010
currently hearing songs from Maher Zain. *yes, last night i bought his CD for $10, omg, it was cheaaaap, haha.
Hear my heart whispering now..
Im always waiting every moment we clash each other. Im always wishing our eyes meet and you can feel my glance. Im always hoping you're always in front of me.
Now, i knew something which is still not sure, i want to get off from you. But the more i want, the more my heart didnt allow me =( *how i supposed to do?
I was like ..
Yesterday, i was having my PS as usual with my friends. I was concentrate doing my revision and suddenly dayah said ' eh si .... '
Then aku tuleh and nada but my heart was vibrate even more faster than usual. I said ' eh, jgn wah, stop talking bout him, ko buat aku tekaran wah '
Then dayah ' hahaha, i know lah. I can feel the aura of *bisik* (L) '
I reply ' manada! '
Oh God, i dont know. When people said maybe he have someone, my heart keep saying he's single and IDONTKNOW!!!!! I dont want to know either but i want. Apakan?!
Leave you without saying bye!
Hear my heart whispering now..
Im always waiting every moment we clash each other. Im always wishing our eyes meet and you can feel my glance. Im always hoping you're always in front of me.
Now, i knew something which is still not sure, i want to get off from you. But the more i want, the more my heart didnt allow me =( *how i supposed to do?
I was like ..
Yesterday, i was having my PS as usual with my friends. I was concentrate doing my revision and suddenly dayah said ' eh si .... '
Then aku tuleh and nada but my heart was vibrate even more faster than usual. I said ' eh, jgn wah, stop talking bout him, ko buat aku tekaran wah '
Then dayah ' hahaha, i know lah. I can feel the aura of *bisik* (L) '
I reply ' manada! '
Oh God, i dont know. When people said maybe he have someone, my heart keep saying he's single and IDONTKNOW!!!!! I dont want to know either but i want. Apakan?!
Leave you without saying bye!
Saturday, 24 July 2010
i dont want to know!
Sometimes, we better, we never know what we really want know rather than we find it out, and we feel broke because of the fact. Its good to be ignorance actually but kn, i believe that everyone have high sense of curiosity and that is why, eventhough it would hurt but at least we satisfied that we've found out the facts =) *how i wish i can go back and never know the facts but i have to though.
Eventhough i've been tuition for all morning till afternoon, still, i did my maths badly, huhuhu. *today is not my lucky day. Feel bad for sir and my self =(
Anyway, i and dibah went to PTEK tadi ptg. Azhar drive for us, hahahaha. I met them, my beloved friends. Huhh, it was like, not enough wah. But it was okay, cos azhar didnt have class in between and so he can brought us, hahaha. Actually we were boring wa tu, we only have meeting at 3 which we have 3 hours free time, so boooorrreeeedddd yoh. Haha.
For him, i just pray for the best. If he really does in relationship, then i better off from him, but i dont want waaaah ='(((( i hope, kabar angin saja. Huhu.
Okay la, catch you later.
Sometimes, we better, we never know what we really want know rather than we find it out, and we feel broke because of the fact. Its good to be ignorance actually but kn, i believe that everyone have high sense of curiosity and that is why, eventhough it would hurt but at least we satisfied that we've found out the facts =) *how i wish i can go back and never know the facts but i have to though.
Eventhough i've been tuition for all morning till afternoon, still, i did my maths badly, huhuhu. *today is not my lucky day. Feel bad for sir and my self =(
Anyway, i and dibah went to PTEK tadi ptg. Azhar drive for us, hahahaha. I met them, my beloved friends. Huhh, it was like, not enough wah. But it was okay, cos azhar didnt have class in between and so he can brought us, hahaha. Actually we were boring wa tu, we only have meeting at 3 which we have 3 hours free time, so boooorrreeeedddd yoh. Haha.
For him, i just pray for the best. If he really does in relationship, then i better off from him, but i dont want waaaah ='(((( i hope, kabar angin saja. Huhu.
Okay la, catch you later.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
darkness all around
hopeful or hopeless?
Back to 'pro and contra'. What we think it might work, it wouldnt work after all. But what we think might not work, will work instead. OR maybe, what we dont expect or think, it will happen to us. We never know what is going to happen with us.
To whom it may concern, i really want to say sorry and a very big thank you. You gave me a lots of information. But i feel regret. We used to be one sometimes before but now, i asked you, yourself bout someone else. Huhu. Sorry. Im sorry if you feel hurt but if not, still, im sorry. But for me, you're very professional or maybe now we are just friend, oh ya, we are just friend, hahaha. Iloveyou lah =D
Omg, i feel hungry la. Huhuhu.
Okaylah, gtg now.
Catch yaaa lateeerr.
'hoping tomorrow would be better than today'
Back to 'pro and contra'. What we think it might work, it wouldnt work after all. But what we think might not work, will work instead. OR maybe, what we dont expect or think, it will happen to us. We never know what is going to happen with us.
To whom it may concern, i really want to say sorry and a very big thank you. You gave me a lots of information. But i feel regret. We used to be one sometimes before but now, i asked you, yourself bout someone else. Huhu. Sorry. Im sorry if you feel hurt but if not, still, im sorry. But for me, you're very professional or maybe now we are just friend, oh ya, we are just friend, hahaha. Iloveyou lah =D
Omg, i feel hungry la. Huhuhu.
Okaylah, gtg now.
Catch yaaa lateeerr.
'hoping tomorrow would be better than today'
Monday, 19 July 2010
Yes! I just finished doing my maths test corrections. Oppps! this time i got ... ( haha secret yoh ) and we all have to do all the questions due to sir inda satisfied with our marks, huhu, sorry sir =( and therefore, i have such a big request for him where i suggest that sir would have class, to be exact tuition class for us, HAHAHAHA. What a clever girl =p haha.
Woaaah, haha, i saw him around today =D ilove it. Hehe. I come to out of words now because of him. You, thank you. Eventhough you dont know me, dont worry, one day, me my self will make you know =D *omg, i feel so nervous now. Kenapa niii???? Huhuhu.
Ui you guys in katok, imiss you all. Especially si bestfriend * you know who you are =p saja nda nyabut, hahaha.
To dibah, congratulation kwn. Guess whaaaat? She is officially in relationship la. Waaah dib, kau tinggalkn aku ya? =p hahaha. Nvm la, aku ada ea udaaah =p
Okaylah, till here first.
Catch yaaaa laterrrr =D
Yes! I just finished doing my maths test corrections. Oppps! this time i got ... ( haha secret yoh ) and we all have to do all the questions due to sir inda satisfied with our marks, huhu, sorry sir =( and therefore, i have such a big request for him where i suggest that sir would have class, to be exact tuition class for us, HAHAHAHA. What a clever girl =p haha.
Woaaah, haha, i saw him around today =D ilove it. Hehe. I come to out of words now because of him. You, thank you. Eventhough you dont know me, dont worry, one day, me my self will make you know =D *omg, i feel so nervous now. Kenapa niii???? Huhuhu.
Ui you guys in katok, imiss you all. Especially si bestfriend * you know who you are =p saja nda nyabut, hahaha.
To dibah, congratulation kwn. Guess whaaaat? She is officially in relationship la. Waaah dib, kau tinggalkn aku ya? =p hahaha. Nvm la, aku ada ea udaaah =p
Okaylah, till here first.
Catch yaaaa laterrrr =D
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Words reader.
To love is actually simple,
To have your attention, it takes the whole day
To have the chance, i pray for it
To be yours, i must go for it.
You make me smile for no reason whatsoever,
You make me laugh at the unfunniest things,
But most of all,
You make me love you ..
When i shouldnt be loving you.
No boy is worth fighting for you, and if you have to fight to get him, than you better off without him.
If you love someone more than anything. Then distance only matter to the mind, not to the heart.
I want to be happy because he's happy. But how can i be happy knowing im not the one making him smile.
Let you heart guide you,
But listen closely because it whispers.
*those words made me laugh alone. Those words make be feel small. Those words give me strength. Those words made me strong to face the love situation. Those words are my friend whenever i feel down and no one could give back me into positive. I will open my ' love diary ' and would find these valuable words out.
Theres many actually but i find to share these first =) hope you guys enjoy read it.
life, life and life.
live your life simply.
What i've been notice, life is full of "pro and contra" which is sometimes what we think its good, might be not good for the other but what people think its good, might be not good for us. So the point is, whatever it is, think wisely, dont be selfish and dont be mean to yourself though by just think people's good without think ourselve. BE RASIONAL AND REALITY.
Omg, this monday friend of mine is going to have her treatment to our neighbour country. Pity her =( unfortunately, her flight on morning which is during our class. But, i've told bapa that i really want to send her over atleast to the airport and i have to be in school before class start. Thats mean, im gonna go during my PS. I pray, she will be fine and could fight against the killing kimo.
Oh guys, i have this friend since this year ( nah aku bcrita sal ko dh ni, haha ) well, actually i got to know him when we have to work in group for syariah presentation. Well, we do it better kan? Oh mahn, hahaha, forget, his name is RASYID. But now as i mention, he's moving already. He used to be called as 'belangkas' with zani, another guy in our group, hahaha. They are goodboy, eakh? Hahaha. But somehow, i think pemalu biawak =p muahaha. Eh rasyid, apa ko mau aku crita sal ko ah? Hmm. And and, rasyid ni slalu dgni aku time online. Opppsssss! Hahaha, my best buddy. Bah rasyid, gtau aku klau msh blm puas hati ah, hahaha. All the best with your mathss there =p =p *aga mnta ajar through msn, bygkn btapa susahnya, haha.
*didnt see him since wed, nvm. Take it easy. Life still go on, hahaha.
Okaylah, catch you later guys!
What i've been notice, life is full of "pro and contra" which is sometimes what we think its good, might be not good for the other but what people think its good, might be not good for us. So the point is, whatever it is, think wisely, dont be selfish and dont be mean to yourself though by just think people's good without think ourselve. BE RASIONAL AND REALITY.
Omg, this monday friend of mine is going to have her treatment to our neighbour country. Pity her =( unfortunately, her flight on morning which is during our class. But, i've told bapa that i really want to send her over atleast to the airport and i have to be in school before class start. Thats mean, im gonna go during my PS. I pray, she will be fine and could fight against the killing kimo.
Oh guys, i have this friend since this year ( nah aku bcrita sal ko dh ni, haha ) well, actually i got to know him when we have to work in group for syariah presentation. Well, we do it better kan? Oh mahn, hahaha, forget, his name is RASYID. But now as i mention, he's moving already. He used to be called as 'belangkas' with zani, another guy in our group, hahaha. They are goodboy, eakh? Hahaha. But somehow, i think pemalu biawak =p muahaha. Eh rasyid, apa ko mau aku crita sal ko ah? Hmm. And and, rasyid ni slalu dgni aku time online. Opppsssss! Hahaha, my best buddy. Bah rasyid, gtau aku klau msh blm puas hati ah, hahaha. All the best with your mathss there =p =p *aga mnta ajar through msn, bygkn btapa susahnya, haha.
*didnt see him since wed, nvm. Take it easy. Life still go on, hahaha.
Okaylah, catch you later guys!
Monday, 12 July 2010
hey guys.
its been i while i didnt go blogging, huhu, so sad. there is a lot i wanna share but kan, it was bangas already bah, HAHAHA.
okay, okay, lets get started.
now, im in the auditorium. am i escape? no no no, im not escape. well, actually today is MD OPENDAY for all the secondary school that is going to enter this college. *whats up with my english? HAHAHA. and and, my buss.studies sir dismiss our class, yehaaaaa. hahaha and luckily, after this, i have my PS too, so i got long hours break though, jealous? you should then, hahaha.
zilaaaaah, imiss you bestfriend. i wish you are here and i can share all my HOT STORIES here. wanna hear? come to me baby =p=p HAHAHA. like whaaat??
anyway, i just know something that really shocked me but im happy with that. he is actually .... ( oh nvm, its secret man ) i really wish i have chances to approach him *GOD, hear me*
this month is going to be our third assessment test. huhu. i hope and i pray i can do better this time with enough preparation and self confident, AMIN.
eh eh, i promise to write about one of my friend lah, before i forget. hehe. he was move to MTSSR now and got new friends. dont cha ever forget us yaa. will you? HAHAHA. all the best there, tadaaaa ~~
hahaha till here first ya, gtg now.
its been i while i didnt go blogging, huhu, so sad. there is a lot i wanna share but kan, it was bangas already bah, HAHAHA.
okay, okay, lets get started.
now, im in the auditorium. am i escape? no no no, im not escape. well, actually today is MD OPENDAY for all the secondary school that is going to enter this college. *whats up with my english? HAHAHA. and and, my buss.studies sir dismiss our class, yehaaaaa. hahaha and luckily, after this, i have my PS too, so i got long hours break though, jealous? you should then, hahaha.
zilaaaaah, imiss you bestfriend. i wish you are here and i can share all my HOT STORIES here. wanna hear? come to me baby =p=p HAHAHA. like whaaat??
anyway, i just know something that really shocked me but im happy with that. he is actually .... ( oh nvm, its secret man ) i really wish i have chances to approach him *GOD, hear me*
this month is going to be our third assessment test. huhu. i hope and i pray i can do better this time with enough preparation and self confident, AMIN.
eh eh, i promise to write about one of my friend lah, before i forget. hehe. he was move to MTSSR now and got new friends. dont cha ever forget us yaa. will you? HAHAHA. all the best there, tadaaaa ~~
hahaha till here first ya, gtg now.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
here i come
still PRS courses.
*sorryguys, i just write it simply yeah, cos i got no much time to do the blogging, instead im now at my dad office and so i can used the lappy.
14th June 2010.
8.30 am : briefing by OGDC members.
(i got question here)
*sorryguys, i just write it simply yeah, cos i got no much time to do the blogging, instead im now at my dad office and so i can used the lappy.
14th June 2010.
8.30 am : briefing by OGDC members.
(i got question here)
if your answer is born, you are wrong, the correct answer is, LEADER ARE MADE.
if your answer is born, you are wrong, the correct answer is, LEADER ARE MADE.
(AD Edwards and D.Jones)
(AD Edwards and D.Jones)
morning games ; 1. famous people ( i was given as Britney, HAHA )
2. last guess sitting ( like mainan anak2 ah, HAHA )
3. names games ( where we have to memorise our group members name )
4. booty games ( where i dont remember it at all, HAHA, apple )
afternoon activities ; watching movie of 'chicken run'
then we do ice breaking ( treasure hunt )
15th June 2010.
morning games ; energiser game ( ada yg jadi birds and nest, and once sja kata ckp either storm, hunter and fire, we must move and find another either nest or birds )
then we made our own purely rocket, HAHA, we managed to get the 7th place amongs the 12 groups. stiill, we can made it ya.
before we have our lunch, we were demonstated by the OGDC member of how possibly the fire can be light up on the hand. ( is it possible ? yes it is )
afternoon activities; superman game ( kami bchose, then sapa mng jadi ayam, eagle then finally superman, haha, every superman blwn chose g with the other groups superman)
* this part was i like the most, where the OGDC have invited very good caunselor name CG YUSRI. he made us cried sepuasnya! bnr, mbge malu but at that time, smua, not even one i think yg na sedih and nangis, we all were touched by what he was saying. it was very sensitive wa but i dont want to share it here, biarlah kami yg merasa indakan dpt lupakan masa atu =D we love you cg Yusri.
final day ; we play a game which we boom our friends name, HAHA, calilah game nya, sapa lmbt memboon blik, he or she will be in the middle and boom the others again till the end. then 'countries boom' where we every group used name of a country to boom the other groups. then we have blind folded time to collect the bottles, well we managed to collect it as many as we can eventhough we dont know sapa yg mng bnrnya, HAHA. *but but, dibah god tehantuk at her head arh ceramin, haha, aga luan laju bh nada bebreak lagi, hahaha*. then finally, we built a pyramid of a bottles, we have 'big plan' but unfortunately, we can make the plan properly, OMG!!! nvm, still we were the best my group friends, HAHA.
afternoon onwards, before sesi penutup, we dance yknow. WHAAATTT?? piah can dance??? hahahaha, yeah, of cos lah, hahaha, but still shyshy harimau!! hahaha. the name was ' so you think you can dance? '
we have closing ceremony at 3 pm. the principal gave speech, as well as the representative students from the PTE Meragang. after that giving the prizes and besurai.
* i have to make it short cos mcm bapa ku kn dtg udh, hahaha. GTG now. byee.
catch you later.
2. last guess sitting ( like mainan anak2 ah, HAHA )
3. names games ( where we have to memorise our group members name )
4. booty games ( where i dont remember it at all, HAHA, apple )
afternoon activities ; watching movie of 'chicken run'
then we do ice breaking ( treasure hunt )
15th June 2010.
morning games ; energiser game ( ada yg jadi birds and nest, and once sja kata ckp either storm, hunter and fire, we must move and find another either nest or birds )
then we made our own purely rocket, HAHA, we managed to get the 7th place amongs the 12 groups. stiill, we can made it ya.
before we have our lunch, we were demonstated by the OGDC member of how possibly the fire can be light up on the hand. ( is it possible ? yes it is )
afternoon activities; superman game ( kami bchose, then sapa mng jadi ayam, eagle then finally superman, haha, every superman blwn chose g with the other groups superman)
* this part was i like the most, where the OGDC have invited very good caunselor name CG YUSRI. he made us cried sepuasnya! bnr, mbge malu but at that time, smua, not even one i think yg na sedih and nangis, we all were touched by what he was saying. it was very sensitive wa but i dont want to share it here, biarlah kami yg merasa indakan dpt lupakan masa atu =D we love you cg Yusri.
final day ; we play a game which we boom our friends name, HAHA, calilah game nya, sapa lmbt memboon blik, he or she will be in the middle and boom the others again till the end. then 'countries boom' where we every group used name of a country to boom the other groups. then we have blind folded time to collect the bottles, well we managed to collect it as many as we can eventhough we dont know sapa yg mng bnrnya, HAHA. *but but, dibah god tehantuk at her head arh ceramin, haha, aga luan laju bh nada bebreak lagi, hahaha*. then finally, we built a pyramid of a bottles, we have 'big plan' but unfortunately, we can make the plan properly, OMG!!! nvm, still we were the best my group friends, HAHA.
afternoon onwards, before sesi penutup, we dance yknow. WHAAATTT?? piah can dance??? hahahaha, yeah, of cos lah, hahaha, but still shyshy harimau!! hahaha. the name was ' so you think you can dance? '
we have closing ceremony at 3 pm. the principal gave speech, as well as the representative students from the PTE Meragang. after that giving the prizes and besurai.
* i have to make it short cos mcm bapa ku kn dtg udh, hahaha. GTG now. byee.
catch you later.
Saturday, 12 June 2010
kursus PRS
yesterday, 12 June 2010.
we do have fun, met my OLD friends and have new friends.
*start ckp malay, HAHA.
kursus kemarin was conducted by unit kaunseling ABDB. Before kursus mula, speech was given by the principal of PTEM. Then, continue by Mejar Rusli Bujang started his speech.
He was talking about apa sifat kita yg sebenarnya, mcm mana ktani kan behave and apa sebenarnya yang patut ada dlm diri seorang pemimpin.
in his speech, ea ada kata, we have to THINK POSITIVE and BE CREATIVE, sebenarnya ktani inda bleh kata like ' eh jgn ko pkirkan lagi tu' INFACT, tani mesti tepikir sal apa yg ea na suruh atu tu. its just the same like, if we dont want to think about someone yg tani suka, remember this words "THE MORE WE TRY HARD TO FORGET OR AVOID IT, THE MORE WE THINK AND REMEMBER ABOUT IT". then aku suddenly tanya arh kwnku, 'mun na dpt kata jangan, abis apatah?' katanya, ' so, we just have to think positive all the way lah'
au ah, lurus jua, HAHAHA.
theres many things he talked about and i dont have to write it all here, HAHA.
in the afternoon, we were trained like SEMI-ARMY. Imagined cana ngaleh kami. every kami batah sikit, he must said ' OK, 40 SECOND FROM NOW, SAPA LAMBAT WILL BE PUNISHED' and we all kelam kabut, indatah kira if telanggar, tetulak, sakitkan, apa2kan, inda kana kira! huhh, kami bnr2 jadi asgar kmarin. selagi na rata, selagi atu kana suruh balik2. *puhlese imagine it, HAHA.
then, we have games also. the games was actually awesome, fun and payah ada jua. we were divided into 8 groups and stay with the group until the end.
first game, pasing2 balloon yg berisi air using plastic, if balloon gugur, disqualified. and the last person yg ada balloon have to transfer it to the person yg kana tutup matanya, the ea jalan dgn mata tertutup and kana bge instruction saja.
second game, seorang kana pilih untuk buat the puzzle and yg lain, 13 people kana suruh ambil information arh org senior di field. the we have to memorise it, bygkan cana bentuknya. kami kana bge 5 minutes sja untuk menghafal then we went to the one yg kn buat puzzle and bge smua informationnya one by one. it was hard though. baru ckp malay, HAHA, blm lagi english.
third game, we have to fill the bottles with water by sponges. so kami lari2 lah. then after smua panuh dah tiga2, the last person yg pigang the sponge bwa the sponge arh org di ujung yg menunggu. yg di ujung, kaki drg kana ikat and have to jalan mengambil bottle atu dgn tali saja. drg na bleh hold the bottles. *bygkan payahnya.
fourth game, kami kana bge new groups. then kami kana suruh ambil lilin and bwa lilin atu balik k grandstand dgn hanya memigang talinya. sudah atu, lilin atu mesti na pajah apinya. imagined it. sudahpun berangin, klau pajah, we have to go back lagi semula and continue. huhh. but we can do it.
last game, kami kana suruh buka kasut and buat pyramid with the balloon. the rest was surruound it as a fence. but none of the groups manage to do the assessment. manakan, everyone was very exhausted already bah. haha.
and aher skali, time kami kan balik, kasut kami kana tapuk. kana gtau blakang grandstand, we went there. then, we found it, HUHH, drg buang kasut kami, bacampur jua tu, bygkan kepayahan kami mencari kasut kami, baikth kasut na sama jenis, mun sama, haha, adakan dicari. menyaya bnr bh. sorg2 marah, mana jua indaaa.
when actually we have to go home at 4, guess what what time we go home? 4.45 PM. huhh.
*this monday, we gonna have our second day of training but hopefully it wouldnt be from ABDB again, hahaha and we have information that the OGDC would conduct it. yeyeye...
okaylah, till here first. sekalinya blogging, panjang yowww.. HAHAHA.
catch you later.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
today, am so happy =D like world is mina, haha *overrrrr
I got ps in the morning. Kami kn kbwh ngantar borang PRS. Then naik, sorg2 kepanasan, haha. Bukannya ampir tu banglo ah. So we decide kn klibrary saja. Sadly drg kata library full, kelambatan kami ah. Haha.
aku sama dayah jln kn mliat marks syariah. While kami kn balik ktmpt kami slalu tym ps, aku liat ada guy dduk sana. Then kami move sja ksana.
Aku na clear sapa lelaki atu tapi aku start kbk2, haha. Then mkin ampir, mkin ampir, makinki kbk2...
Sudah ampir bnr, aku liat rupanya ea, HAHA. Ea ngusai brgnya. Dibah ngam dsana. Aku aga dibah and tnya ea 'dib, pttkh aku greet ea?' then kata dibah 'agatah' p aku tkut. Haha.
Aku msh bpkir kn greet or inda tapi dlm hatiku 'eh ksmptn dtg skali sja, ni ea dpn mata udh, aga'
Lps bth bpkir, aku move dblakangnya then aku gamit ea, aku kata 'excuse, you f... kn?' ea jwb 'yeap' aku kata lagi 'happy birthday' ea kata 'thank you' and senyum. Haha. Ya Allah, happy bnrku, alhamdulillah.
Drg yg mliat tediam and bangang, haha. Drg tekajut aku nganu ea. Nah, tau tia drg sapa yg ku suka na, haha, kacau eh =p aku senyum saja. Aku na sangka bnr2 smpai hajatku kn greet ea, haha. Pdhal tadi langsung ku nmpk ea tymku jln, dtg2 ada tia, haha, syukur.
Thanks for your smile. I will remember today. Aku hrp ea ingat aku and from now, aku try tagur ea all the way, haha.
cali drg dayah tadi, aku plg hyper jdnya. Ea kata 'ai baik brani ko nagur ea' haha. Alhamdulillah.
Okay, okay. Im so happy here, haha, your smile, thanks =D happy holidays to you!
Kepada teman2, haha, happy holidays to you guys too. Have a blast and enjoy it. Ingat 'cuti2 jua, buku atu disubuk2 jua' haha.
Catch you later. =D
I got ps in the morning. Kami kn kbwh ngantar borang PRS. Then naik, sorg2 kepanasan, haha. Bukannya ampir tu banglo ah. So we decide kn klibrary saja. Sadly drg kata library full, kelambatan kami ah. Haha.
aku sama dayah jln kn mliat marks syariah. While kami kn balik ktmpt kami slalu tym ps, aku liat ada guy dduk sana. Then kami move sja ksana.
Aku na clear sapa lelaki atu tapi aku start kbk2, haha. Then mkin ampir, mkin ampir, makinki kbk2...
Sudah ampir bnr, aku liat rupanya ea, HAHA. Ea ngusai brgnya. Dibah ngam dsana. Aku aga dibah and tnya ea 'dib, pttkh aku greet ea?' then kata dibah 'agatah' p aku tkut. Haha.
Aku msh bpkir kn greet or inda tapi dlm hatiku 'eh ksmptn dtg skali sja, ni ea dpn mata udh, aga'
Lps bth bpkir, aku move dblakangnya then aku gamit ea, aku kata 'excuse, you f... kn?' ea jwb 'yeap' aku kata lagi 'happy birthday' ea kata 'thank you' and senyum. Haha. Ya Allah, happy bnrku, alhamdulillah.
Drg yg mliat tediam and bangang, haha. Drg tekajut aku nganu ea. Nah, tau tia drg sapa yg ku suka na, haha, kacau eh =p aku senyum saja. Aku na sangka bnr2 smpai hajatku kn greet ea, haha. Pdhal tadi langsung ku nmpk ea tymku jln, dtg2 ada tia, haha, syukur.
Thanks for your smile. I will remember today. Aku hrp ea ingat aku and from now, aku try tagur ea all the way, haha.
cali drg dayah tadi, aku plg hyper jdnya. Ea kata 'ai baik brani ko nagur ea' haha. Alhamdulillah.
Okay, okay. Im so happy here, haha, your smile, thanks =D happy holidays to you!
Kepada teman2, haha, happy holidays to you guys too. Have a blast and enjoy it. Ingat 'cuti2 jua, buku atu disubuk2 jua' haha.
Catch you later. =D
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
today is his birthday,
"happy b'day you"
sorry, i didnt greet you. I was thinking to greet you but i didnt see you during lunch time and i was waiting for you :(
Duhh, presentation today cancel. Haha. Cg ani, cubath gtau awal2 ah, ani udh org sibuk kbk2, bru ya kn gtau tukar hari. Bh bh, change to this thursday.
Oi zilah, haha, i miss you eh :p
God, bsuk ada retest maths on quadratics and function. Mudahan bsuk dptku jwb eh, amiiiiiinnnn~~
Zil, apa ni :( aku na tau kn buat apa, hahaha.
Okaylah, off kan revise dlu eh, krg merajuk sir lagi, haha.
*cant wait holiday time :D two more days to go, yehaaaaaa..
Catch you later.
"happy b'day you"
sorry, i didnt greet you. I was thinking to greet you but i didnt see you during lunch time and i was waiting for you :(
Duhh, presentation today cancel. Haha. Cg ani, cubath gtau awal2 ah, ani udh org sibuk kbk2, bru ya kn gtau tukar hari. Bh bh, change to this thursday.
Oi zilah, haha, i miss you eh :p
God, bsuk ada retest maths on quadratics and function. Mudahan bsuk dptku jwb eh, amiiiiiinnnn~~
Zil, apa ni :( aku na tau kn buat apa, hahaha.
Okaylah, off kan revise dlu eh, krg merajuk sir lagi, haha.
*cant wait holiday time :D two more days to go, yehaaaaaa..
Catch you later.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Got 2 days MC, bnyak kan di salin, HAHA.
Tapi tapi, lps rindu =p HAHA, mcm apa! happy dpt jumpa kwn2 balik =D
Huhh, pasal kami bnyak dpt low marks haritu maths, BERITA BURUK kami dpt, ada RETEST on this wed. Topicnya lagi tu, alahai ~
*nervous come*
Oi, his b'day is coming soon =D i really want to greet him but HOW?? *tell me tell me*
Yesterday, when i went out from maths class, just as opened the door, he was in front of me. He was walking alone! *wishing i was the one beside him* then i walked behind him. I was thinking 'shud i gamit him and say happy advanced bday?'
UNFORTUNATELY, i was totally blank that time =(
Now, still find a way how to approach him and greet. This would be so mysterious greeting b'cos he dont know who am i but i just greet him.
*GOD, help me to find a way.
Well actually i have already =D just to make sure it will happen soon =p
Catch you later.
Tapi tapi, lps rindu =p HAHA, mcm apa! happy dpt jumpa kwn2 balik =D
Huhh, pasal kami bnyak dpt low marks haritu maths, BERITA BURUK kami dpt, ada RETEST on this wed. Topicnya lagi tu, alahai ~
*nervous come*
Oi, his b'day is coming soon =D i really want to greet him but HOW?? *tell me tell me*
Yesterday, when i went out from maths class, just as opened the door, he was in front of me. He was walking alone! *wishing i was the one beside him* then i walked behind him. I was thinking 'shud i gamit him and say happy advanced bday?'
UNFORTUNATELY, i was totally blank that time =(
Now, still find a way how to approach him and greet. This would be so mysterious greeting b'cos he dont know who am i but i just greet him.
*GOD, help me to find a way.
Well actually i have already =D just to make sure it will happen soon =p
Catch you later.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Huhu ..
Maths result;
God, worse than before. I know, i didnt do enough revision! I told my dad everything and he made statement that
'bah, if nanti kamu ada exam lagi, jgn th kmana2, concentrate saja drumah, blajar!'.
HAHA, klau cmatu haritu kan baik! Hmm, nvm lah. I still hope the accumulation of two marks will give the better than the first MPR =D
But but ..
My business studies result improved! Hahaha, guess what? I got A =p =p haha, alhamdulillah =D
Baru masuk pintu,
mahirah kata " piah, bangkak jua pipimu" *aku bangang!
Saya "hah, iakah? Na ku prasan eh"
english class;
(time buat exercise)
Embran "sopiah, kenapa pipimu bangkak" *bangang kedua X
Saya "jan, nmpkkh pipiku bangkak?"
Jan "au, nmpak"
Saya "HAHA, yakah?"
Business class
Mizah surh ke sepital, katanya "baik ko ke sepital krg ah, awas ko inda"
Mahirah "au eh, krg manatau lain, bangkak ah"
saya " HAHA, au "
Mizah "bh, krgku tlipun ko ni btnya kesepital ko dh kah inda, haha"
Aduii, pada mkin bsr, baikth kesepital eh =( hmm
I went to hospital due to my ULCER GETTING BIGGER AND VERY2 PAINFUL ='(
As i walked inside ..
Nurse : kan bhapa?
Saya : kan jumpa doktor.
Nurse : knpa ah?
Saya : ada ulcer.
Nurse : ada batok?
Saya : (unfortunately saya jwb .. ) ADA.
Nurse : bh, masuk pintu satu ah ( H1N1 room) *whaaaat?!! haha.
Sudah bcheck, kana bge cuti dua hari ( i said to dr. 'bleh na pyh cutikh' HAHA ) ubat batok and abt the ulcer, katanya sal AKU ADA TEGIGIT. And and abt sakit gigi katanya, sal nerve nya!
Then, gtau bapa, and bapa said cuti saja, syg jua, AHAHA. And i decide na skulah bsuk, cos its very painfuuuuul though ='( its going to kill me soon with this ulcer and sakit gigi =( pleaseeeee ..
* thanks to my friends for the concern and caring of me, i lop you guys =D you guys do care of me! VERY BIG THANK YOU!!
Ooouuuccchhhhh, saaaakkkiiiiit..
Gtg now ='(
Catch you later!
God, worse than before. I know, i didnt do enough revision! I told my dad everything and he made statement that
'bah, if nanti kamu ada exam lagi, jgn th kmana2, concentrate saja drumah, blajar!'.
HAHA, klau cmatu haritu kan baik! Hmm, nvm lah. I still hope the accumulation of two marks will give the better than the first MPR =D
But but ..
My business studies result improved! Hahaha, guess what? I got A =p =p haha, alhamdulillah =D
Baru masuk pintu,
mahirah kata " piah, bangkak jua pipimu" *aku bangang!
Saya "hah, iakah? Na ku prasan eh"
english class;
(time buat exercise)
Embran "sopiah, kenapa pipimu bangkak" *bangang kedua X
Saya "jan, nmpkkh pipiku bangkak?"
Jan "au, nmpak"
Saya "HAHA, yakah?"
Business class
Mizah surh ke sepital, katanya "baik ko ke sepital krg ah, awas ko inda"
Mahirah "au eh, krg manatau lain, bangkak ah"
saya " HAHA, au "
Mizah "bh, krgku tlipun ko ni btnya kesepital ko dh kah inda, haha"
Aduii, pada mkin bsr, baikth kesepital eh =( hmm
I went to hospital due to my ULCER GETTING BIGGER AND VERY2 PAINFUL ='(
As i walked inside ..
Nurse : kan bhapa?
Saya : kan jumpa doktor.
Nurse : knpa ah?
Saya : ada ulcer.
Nurse : ada batok?
Saya : (unfortunately saya jwb .. ) ADA.
Nurse : bh, masuk pintu satu ah ( H1N1 room) *whaaaat?!! haha.
Sudah bcheck, kana bge cuti dua hari ( i said to dr. 'bleh na pyh cutikh' HAHA ) ubat batok and abt the ulcer, katanya sal AKU ADA TEGIGIT. And and abt sakit gigi katanya, sal nerve nya!
Then, gtau bapa, and bapa said cuti saja, syg jua, AHAHA. And i decide na skulah bsuk, cos its very painfuuuuul though ='( its going to kill me soon with this ulcer and sakit gigi =( pleaseeeee ..
* thanks to my friends for the concern and caring of me, i lop you guys =D you guys do care of me! VERY BIG THANK YOU!!
Ooouuuccchhhhh, saaaakkkiiiiit..
Gtg now ='(
Catch you later!
Monday, 24 May 2010
Major stalker.
Its been a while, havent been blogging =D
Yes! i just finished all my APR. *finally* thanks God, it goes well eventhough sometimes felt lazy or whatsoever to do revision, HAHA.
guess what?
I got maths APR first paper 90, HAHA, unbelievable but it was worth cos i did enough revision.
HOWEVER, today i worsened my second paper, yeah i know, i DESERVE low marks of not taking the opportunities! =( *sorry sir!
Hey! I got big amazingly ULCER in my mouth. ouchhhhhhh! Its soooo PAINFUL. everything cant do properly! Huhh.
Nothing much about life lately but but, HAHA, saya sudah menjadi 'MAJOR STALKER' *ketawa monster!* HAHAHA.
Okayokay, group 2 syariah, we gonna have presentation next week, we must do well and aim for higher marks ya!
*cant blogging by lappy for time being, boredemm! ( hoping babu pasang wireless na g bth =D )
Yoh, time for sleeping now!
Anyway, today is ENERGY DAY, so safe for our energy!
Catch you later! =D
Yes! i just finished all my APR. *finally* thanks God, it goes well eventhough sometimes felt lazy or whatsoever to do revision, HAHA.
guess what?
I got maths APR first paper 90, HAHA, unbelievable but it was worth cos i did enough revision.
HOWEVER, today i worsened my second paper, yeah i know, i DESERVE low marks of not taking the opportunities! =( *sorry sir!
Hey! I got big amazingly ULCER in my mouth. ouchhhhhhh! Its soooo PAINFUL. everything cant do properly! Huhh.
Nothing much about life lately but but, HAHA, saya sudah menjadi 'MAJOR STALKER' *ketawa monster!* HAHAHA.
Okayokay, group 2 syariah, we gonna have presentation next week, we must do well and aim for higher marks ya!
*cant blogging by lappy for time being, boredemm! ( hoping babu pasang wireless na g bth =D )
Yoh, time for sleeping now!
Anyway, today is ENERGY DAY, so safe for our energy!
Catch you later! =D
Sunday, 9 May 2010
i miss you guys!
FRIENDS, I miss you guys ..
i miss the laugh,
i miss when they keep annoyed me,
i miss 'begyla' with them
this pictures was taken when I made 'reuni' at my house last April =D
i miss the laugh,
i miss when they keep annoyed me,
i miss 'begyla' with them
I have some story..
one day ( na bth ani lah ), I received phone called from a unknown number.
one day ( na bth ani lah ), I received phone called from a unknown number.
i answer!
"hello, ani Dk Nur Sofiah?"
"yeap, siapa ni?"
"ah, ani kami kan mbge tau yg kita menang duit sebanyak $1000 ah, dpt kita mengambil?"
"hello, ani Dk Nur Sofiah?"
"yeap, siapa ni?"
"ah, ani kami kan mbge tau yg kita menang duit sebanyak $1000 ah, dpt kita mengambil?"
*tekajut (muka baruk) HAHA
pabila jua ku ikut apa2?
"AH? untuk apa? ani dari mana?"
" ani dari Hua Ho department. ani arahan dari Boss plg ni, kami ikut saja."
"sal apa plg aku dpt? *kes inda percaya!
pabila jua ku ikut apa2?
"AH? untuk apa? ani dari mana?"
" ani dari Hua Ho department. ani arahan dari Boss plg ni, kami ikut saja."
"sal apa plg aku dpt? *kes inda percaya!
*trus ingat kes penipuan,
atu bnyak ku tanya, HAHA.
atu bnyak ku tanya, HAHA.
" ah, kita ada membeli HP baru2 ani kn?"
"hmm, ada plg p bkn d Hua Ho ku mbli"
" ah, yatah tu, tmpt kita mbli atu transfer arh kami" (MCM PEMAJALAN)
"eh indakan?" (msh na ku pcaya)
"bleh kita ambil hadiah kita di spg 21, jln 26 ah?
"hmm, ada plg p bkn d Hua Ho ku mbli"
" ah, yatah tu, tmpt kita mbli atu transfer arh kami" (MCM PEMAJALAN)
"eh indakan?" (msh na ku pcaya)
"bleh kita ambil hadiah kita di spg 21, jln 26 ah?
*atu dkt rumahku tu!!!!
*atu dkt rumahku tu!!!!
you guys na dpt tipu aku, HAHA
he was SYAFIEE,
the most annoying boy!
then drg ketawa mcm kan pacah rumah sulnya!
ada lagi awg2 d blakang atu,
dilah apa.
he was SYAFIEE,
the most annoying boy!
then drg ketawa mcm kan pacah rumah sulnya!
ada lagi awg2 d blakang atu,
dilah apa.
kurang asam punya org. nasib jua tertipu, mun inda, HAHAHA.
eeeee, annoying bnr drg atu eh, HAHAHA.
p/s: yang lain, jgn cuba2 tiru mcm drg ani ah, haha. or else, i will PUNCH you guys =P=p
eeeee, annoying bnr drg atu eh, HAHAHA.
p/s: yang lain, jgn cuba2 tiru mcm drg ani ah, haha. or else, i will PUNCH you guys =P=p
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