Saturday 23 October 2010

happy birthday!!

Happy 16th birthday to my beloved sister yang kambang, HAHAHA. Sister? Whaaat? My kaka? Hahaha. Well. Many people kata catu plg p she's my adik to be exact? Haha.

P/s: mudahan makin berakal =p

Friday 22 October 2010

pray for you.

am just arrive at home from the airport.

Pjah is probably on a flight now, huhu. Hope, she and her family have a safe flight come and from performing haj.

I was at ekin's (bestpren pjah) house from 12 till 2. Then we went to pjah house. We met faii (pjah's bf)
Pjah came out to the living room and ea slm kami. We was like, almost crying. At that time faii was not around, klau inda mesti ia 'bibi' tu, huhu. After baca doa slamat, before drg kluar rumh, drg baca takbir haji and that is the time kami rasa haru, pjah was in front of us, and she was crying ='( i cant see her! Faii, ofcourse, almost cry!

Haru bersambung time pjah kn masuk. I saw her mother hug her brother, and sebak rasanya. Kesian =) *aku teingat tym bapa babu naik haji. Then, faii was the first person yg kluar air mata. Haha. Kesian. But we try to make him cheer up.

My always prays for her, mudah-mudahan pjah and family selamat sampai, sentiasa sihat and balik dgn mendapat haji yang mabrur! AMIIIIIIN.

*aku msh rasa sebaaak. Syg pjaaaah.

Thursday 21 October 2010


am going to pjah's house now,

Then, we are going to send her to the airport =((


si bestfriend.

i just come back from pjah's house. She was having solat hajat tonight but i came after isya, HAHA.

For what? Alhamdulillah, she is going to perform haj tomorrow. I am very happy but on other side, i feel sad too. I feel sad, huhu.

Tadi, when all the luggage was bring off to the airport, i was like, want to cry =) eventhough, i and pjah is not in the same college and jrg jumpa, but she's close in my heart. She's my bestie since primary, my first bestie with pipah. I love her.

Am afraid that am gonna cry tomorrow. InsyaAllah, i will send her over to the airport tomorrow. Oh yes, this is just for a while, but, this is haj, and i always come to sedih whenever there's a leaving. But saya tak boleh begini, tak boleh, tak boleh.

Mudah-mudahan pjah and family selamat dlm pejalanan kesana dan balik kesini, sihat selalu dsana dan dpt haji yg mabrur, AMIIIIIN.

Haha, tadi time kn balik, i was salam with pjah's mother, then ea kata ' inda ko tdur sini? ' then i ans ' au, kn tdur sini dh p pjah bth mbls, na smpt packing ' haha. Then her mom ' eh klau inda kmi ngantar ngmbil brgmu krumah ' haha me ' eh janganth bsuk sja ngantar ea '
Haha, pjah's and her family is awesome. Drg smua baik esp her mom. Walaupun jrg ksana p mcm dkt udh dgn drg. Like my pun klau ku crita psl pjah, nyambung, haha. I like her mom, haha. Also pjah lah =D

P/s: pjaaaaah, ilove you. Mudahan ko sihat selalu with your family and dpt haji yg mabrur, amiiin. Jaga diri dsana, doakan kmi dsini.
Huhu, sedihku eh.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

3 words mean so much.


Start with F, end with D, F followed by U and second last end with A.

Remarkable sentence ' there is always a way to find out information about someone we like ' *let me know if am wrong =D

Today is 20.10.2010,
Beautiful number and if it is on sunday, there would be many wedding annyversary, HAHAHA. I believe it.

And i was saying this to dayah ' bah day, krg aku kawin eh ' HAHAHA. And dayah was replying ' eh au eh, p tunang lah dlu ah ' HAHA. *short-think conversation =p

Wondering; where is ayen ah? Hmm.

Sunday 17 October 2010

i love my babyfriuts, HAHA.

raudah, aqil and danish, i love them very much much.

p/s: ui azilah, haha, i do miss you too. you didnt even contact me at all till last tuesday, huhu. so sad. pray for your happpiness AND NEVER FORGET ME YEAH. okay, tata~~

till here first,
bye and assalamualaikum.

catch you later.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

happy birthday!!

happy birthday to my bestfriend, ZAHIRAH
happy birthday to my beloved cousin, SAIFUL
and, happy birthday to my friend, NAZRIN.

Yesterday, i was having my maths AS exam. huhu, it was okay. but then, theres many new questions, i think. cos i never found it in the pass year questions. daaaa~~~ sorry sir if did badly. saye sudah cuba semampu yg bisa.

now, i have to prepare well for P6. start from now sopiah =p=p HAHAHA.

bah. till here.
bye, assalamualaikum.

Saturday 9 October 2010


yet, i just realised that you're still available and make this feeling true.

i want to say ' ILIKE YOU F '
*i wanna scream his naaaameeee.

is that all?
Yeap, cos i talk much here. I try not to post a long story here. Haha kebiasaan bnyak ckp. Daaa~~

Sophia (12.45pm)

feel sorry.

I feel sorry for all my friends. So sorry, haha, what craps (creps,crab and whatsoever it is to be called then) HAHAHA.

Yes! Now am not feeling worry again, haha. About what? It was all about, the PANDA ANTIVIRUS!! I hate it, because mesti di update tiap masa like everyday, huhh. In fact, saye jrg buka laptop cos of certain reasons like IM LAZZZYYYY =D hahaha.

I like to read people's blog and so, of you are one of the blogger, then i should read yours too =) haha. Hey, please update it cos i need your post. Especially, to those yg post in english (would be better than me, ofcourse) cos i can learn from them and i dont have to read books some more, haha, cos i read yours, your good english! Congratulation! Haha. *again, am talking nothing.

People that i currently think off now, zilah (ofcourse), ain (i really do miss you yen), kirah (for her kerenah) and the rest.

Till here,
Catch you later =D
Sophia (11.20pm)

Friday 8 October 2010


currently am asking my self, i also asked dibah for so many times, sorry dib,

Where are them?
Kemana zilah? Ain? Kirah?
And all those in katok or maybe somewhere else? Where?

My sist said maybe they were busy. Hehe. There you go.

Last night, i mingle with my dad till 1 am in the morning. We were discussing so many things, from school thingy, my friends, life, result, exam, and many more. I just let everything to him, i told everything endlessly. Dont me afraid of him? Hello~~ he's my dad. I shared everything with him like, EVERYDAY, hahaha. Kn kesekolah, he must ask me quests and balik dari skulah, must be anothet quests, haha. Just take it positively and that is why, am wide open with him in everything! EVERYTHING.

Aku ingat what bapa said yesterday when my sist and i discussed bout where she's gonna move after form 5. My sist takut jauh dri kwnnya and whatsoever like i used to feel sometimes before. Then suddenly bapa kata, 'you see sopi, is all her friends contact ea? Msh mcm dlu?', he said again 'once, you are in diff school with them, everything gonna change, like we know sapa yg bnr2 kwn or not'.

**sorry guys, i just, i dont want anything change between us. I know its impossible but i miss you guys.

God, i pray for the best. Hello piah, this is life, where we feel when there was a time people need us and there are times when we are not needed anymore. Haha.

Thanks bapa for supporting me in anyways. Never let us down.
Thanks dibah for always be with me, beside me and now, you're getting crazy beng beng, haha.

*zilah, ain, imiss you.

Catch you later =))

Thursday 7 October 2010


my exam? haha, well, we were over! and now, we have prepare for the AS level examination next week. me? yeap, am gonna sit for maths. (pray for me!!)

MDians were having teacher's day celebration today. well, it was like, formal celebration rather than like, having a concert or whatsoever. but, we enjoy it though.

huhh, now, all my cuzy are busy-ing talking about the prestigious upcoming wedding of my EX-BELOVED-aku2an-BF (hahahahahahaha) my friends who know me very well knew who is the person, hahaha. obviously, he is my adorable motivated person for me, who made me love science, who made me into a better person in science, who made me change in anyways and i love him, he is DR SHEIKH MUSZAPHAR SHUKOR, the first angkasawan of Malaysia. huhu, hes gonna married soon, to be axact this upcoming sunday, 10th October 2010 (sempena memperingati ea naik ke angkasa)
*to be honest, i feel down, haha. gyla, ke jiwa banar. sasaaaakkkuuu mendangaaarrrr!! aku na mau ea kawin, haha. nadalah, gyla juaaa. takpe, takpe.
he remain be my idol, my motivatoe, my admirable one and my brother instead.

bah. sampai sini dulu eh, ada kraja sikit dulu.
bye all.

catch you later.