currently am asking my self, i also asked dibah for so many times, sorry dib,
Where are them?
Kemana zilah? Ain? Kirah?
And all those in katok or maybe somewhere else? Where?
My sist said maybe they were busy. Hehe. There you go.
Last night, i mingle with my dad till 1 am in the morning. We were discussing so many things, from school thingy, my friends, life, result, exam, and many more. I just let everything to him, i told everything endlessly. Dont me afraid of him? Hello~~ he's my dad. I shared everything with him like, EVERYDAY, hahaha. Kn kesekolah, he must ask me quests and balik dari skulah, must be anothet quests, haha. Just take it positively and that is why, am wide open with him in everything! EVERYTHING.
Aku ingat what bapa said yesterday when my sist and i discussed bout where she's gonna move after form 5. My sist takut jauh dri kwnnya and whatsoever like i used to feel sometimes before. Then suddenly bapa kata, 'you see sopi, is all her friends contact ea? Msh mcm dlu?', he said again 'once, you are in diff school with them, everything gonna change, like we know sapa yg bnr2 kwn or not'.
**sorry guys, i just, i dont want anything change between us. I know its impossible but i miss you guys.
God, i pray for the best. Hello piah, this is life, where we feel when there was a time people need us and there are times when we are not needed anymore. Haha.
Thanks bapa for supporting me in anyways. Never let us down.
Thanks dibah for always be with me, beside me and now, you're getting crazy beng beng, haha.
*zilah, ain, imiss you.
Catch you later =))