Yesterday, Friday, 26th November 2010, we have a great time with resident of Pusat Ehsan. We laugh, we enjoy and we care of them.
I love this quote from Nazib's shirt, it says that
"dont look at the disability, but look at the ability"
Before we went there, PRS member was having charity sales in order to get some money to but them souvenir and present. It was worth. We gain sums of money.
Pusat Ehsan is one of NGO, non goverment organization where they just gain money from the donations, parent and charity. We welcome all the visitors including us. The resident was very awesome, friendly and super hyper one.
We aim to make them smile, laugh, enjoy and get close with each other. Like, we care people like them. Kekurangan bkn ukuran. We're all same di mata Allah. They have their own specility when sometimes we dont have.
What i noticed, tho we are perfect in physical, we cant laugh like them. We cant feel the happiness like they feel. They are free to laugh, dont have much burden. I feel happy with them especially childrens.
Even some of PRS member nangis, cos when we dance, all of sudden, one of them kiss my friend pipi. Huhu. Tersentuh ='(
So much activities we did with them. Theres no words to describe our feeling of happiness and satisfid with what we've done and planned. It was all work.
Great job PRS. We made MD proud of us. We are one and always be one, named Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya.
*pict above is our PRS shirt.
Hoping next time, we'll do even better from this. Thanks to all the members. Well done.
Guess what? Haha, we are in newspapers today. There are 3 reports abt us yesterday. Proud of us.
We are PRS of Maktab Duli will always show the quality as a leader. We are example. We are you friend and you can count on us.
Thank you!
We proud of you.