Tuesday 23 March 2010

Heyhey =D whats up!

OMG, none of my hw finish yet, haha. But almost everyday i never sit without a book ya, i do read textbook to have better understanding. yet, i dont or maybe cant understand the mathematics textbook cos until now, i cant do the homework my self *uhuk uhuk ='( i bet, i need some help from my friends but none of them are in the same topic as me yet, so im struggling in finding someone who can help me, when finally i asked help from my cuzie and she said YES, **yeyeye!

*she will come only in a moment =D and im waiting for her now, haha. Hope, i can finish it by today cos i cant be relax keep thinking my maths IN MY HEAD *like i do think abt the guy, HAHA.

Guess what? Im going to meet my friends tonight, ahaha. CANT WAIT BEBEH, haha. I miss them alot and thats why i invited them to come to my house. Hope they can come and enjoy tonight =D =D

*for those who will not coming tonight, they are mean dont want to see me *uhuk uhuk, haha kiddingss bebeh =p

I will look forward for those whose coming tonight, CANT WAIT !!!

Keep posting you whats going on next. Tata ..

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